Is troponin or CK-MB more specific?

The serum troponins (both I and T) are more sensitive and specific than CK-MB in the setting of acute coronary syndromes (2)and have been validated for postoperative risk stratification for noncardiac surgical procedures 3, 4; however, their role in the evaluation of cardiac surgery patients has not been well defined.

How do you calculate CK-MB CK ratio?

Contact your healthcare worker if you have any questions. The following are considered to be normal results for this test: CK-MB (mass) index is a calculated number = [CK-MB (ng/mL) ÷ total CK (Units/L)] x 100 [4][5][6]. Normal range is method and lab specific [7].

What are normal lab values for CK-MB and troponin I?

Cardiac Injury Markers

Current Assay (Dade Behring/Opus Plus)
Myoglobin Normal < 82 ng/ml
CK-MB Normal < 5.0 ng/ml
Troponin-I Detection Limit = 0.5 ng/ml Abnormal > 2.0 ng/ml Borderline – Not detected Not flagged abn = 0.8 – 2.0 ng/ml Flagged abn > 2.0 ng/ml

Why is CK-MB better than troponin?

Results: We found that (1) troponin I is a better cardiac marker than CK-MB for myocardial infarction because it is equally sensitive yet more specific for myocardial injury; (2) troponin T is a relatively poorer cardiac marker than CK-MB because it is less sensitive and less specific for myocardial injury; and (3) …

Which test is more specific for myocardial injury CK or CK-MB?

Creatine kinase is found in all muscle tissues and is nonspecific for myocyte injury; however, CK-MB is relatively specific for myocardial tissue.

Which cardiac biomarker elevated first?

Creatine Kinase and Creatine Kinase-MB The earliest biomarker to increase is the muscle enzyme, CK or CPK, which is present in the cytosol of the myocytes and predominantly released into the bloodstream from the necrosed myocardium.

What is CK ratio?

Answer. The relative index calculated by the ratio of CK-MB (mass) to total CK can assist in differentiating false-positive elevations of CK-MB arising from skeletal muscle. A ratio of less than 3 is consistent with a skeletal muscle source, whereas ratios greater than 5 are indicative of a cardiac source.

What’s a normal troponin level?

For example, the normal range for troponin I is between 0 and 0.04 ng/mL but for high-sensitivity cardiac troponin (hs-cTn) normal values are below 14ng/L. Other types of heart injury may cause a rise in troponin levels.

Is 0.06 a normal troponin level?

Which cardiac marker is the best?

Troponin I is highly specific to the heart and stays higher longer than creatinine kinase-MB. Current guidelines from the American Heart Association (AHA) say this is the best biomarker for finding a heart attack.