Is treflan the same as Preen?

Treflan is the active ingredient in Preen. Before going any further, I know that some are already getting nervous about the word “chemical”. Many are afraid to use “chemicals” in the garden for fear that they will be toxic to themselves, their children, or their pets.

What does treflan mean?

Treflan is an herbicide manufactured by Dow that prevents the growth of grassy weeds and some broadleaf weeds in commercial vegetable growing operations. Some gardeners also use it for weed control.

What is Treflan herbicide used for?

Chemical Action and Usages: Treflan (trifluralin) is a pre-emergent herbicide for the control of certain annual grasses and broad-leafed weeds in flower beds, around trees and shrubs and for weed control in gardens. This product is not registered for use in lawns.

Is treflan safe?

This orange, crystalline chemical is highly toxic to aquatic wildlife and should never be used close to water sources or allowed to drift or run off into water sources. Treflan has a generally low toxicity to humans, but can sometimes trigger an allergic effect if it directly contacts the skin.

Is there a liquid version of Preen?

Pre-emergent herbicides are available in two primary forms: liquid and granules. While they both work in the same manner—by preventing weeds from emerging from the ground—groundskeepers and gardeners may prefer applying one form over another. Either type will help reduce the need for manual weeding.

What is the active ingredient in Preen?

The active ingredient in Preen is trifluralin. It is a suspected carcinogen, and is toxic to fish and aquatic life, and earthworms.

How long is treflan effective?

1. Rotate herbicides so that the same product or same class of herbicide is not used repeatedly year after year. Treflan HFP and/or other dinitroaniline herbicides should not be applied in consecutive years and preferably should be used only once in a three year period.

What weeds does treflan control?

Treflan” 4L Herbicide is a herbicide for the preemergence control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds.

Is treflan safe for vegetable gardens?

Trifluralin (Treflan) can be used as a pre-emergence herbicide to control weed seedlings in gardens. This product is available in granular or liquid form but is not safe for all vegetables.

What works better than Preen?

Snapshot is more effective than Preen.

What is a good pre-emergent for weeds?

Those looking for an effective pre-emergent herbicide to prevent crabgrass in lawns, flowerbeds, and other planted beds and borders need look no further than Quali-Pro Prodiamine 65 WDG Pre-Emergent Herbicide. This professional-quality product is available in a 5-pound granular concentrate.