Is trains available from Mysore to Bangalore?

There are 29 weekly trains and 17 daily trains that run from Mysore to Bangalore , covering the shortest distance of about 127 km by BAGMATI EXPRESS(12578). Note: The number of daily trains indicates particular trains that run everyday from Mysore to Bangalore.

How much is the train fare from Mysore to Bangalore?

Fare for trains from Mysore to Bengaluru is Rs 80 in Second Seater (2S), Rs 265 in Chair Car (CC), Rs 905 in Executive Anubhuti (EA), Rs 780 in Executive Class (EC), Rs 1170 in First AC (1A), Rs 705 in Second AC (2A), Rs 145 in Sleeper (SL), Rs 65 in None (GN) and Rs 500 in Third AC (3A) in general quota.

What are the train timings for Mysore?

Mysore Train Timings

Train No. Train Name Mysuru to Bengaluru Train Timings
Dep. Mysuru
06535/06536 Gol Gumbaz Express 15:45
06582/06581 Hampi COVID-19 Special* 18:35
06210/06209 Mysuru – Ajmer Festival Special* 19:00 (Tuesday, Thursday only)

What time is Shatabdi from Mysore to Bangalore?

12008 Shatabdi Express Train Time Table

Station Arrives Departs
MYSORE JN (MYS) ——— 14:15
KATPADI JN (KPD) 19:13 19:15

Which trains are running from Mysore?

Mysore Junction Train Station

Train name (no.) passing via Mysore Junction Arrives Departs
Mys Snsi Express (16217) Starts 05:00
Tpty Cmnr Passenger (56214) 10:30 10:55
Kaveri Express (16021) 06:50 Ends
Kaveri Express (16022) Starts 20:30

Is Shatabdi running from Mysore to Bangalore?

Check 12008 Shatabdi Exp live running status on every station….Shatabdi Exp Running Status.

Mysuru Jn – KSR Bengaluru 137 km
Source 16:10 16:10
14:15 14:15 16:15 16:15
On Time On Time
– Source – 5min