Is there such a word as Unnecessity?

noun. The fact, quality, or condition of being unnecessary; the dispensability of some act or thing.

Is Crumy a word?

Crummy and crumby are both valid words, but they mean different things. Crumby means “full of crumbs.” Crummy means “lousy.”

How do you use susurrus in a sentence?

Examples of ‘susurrus’ in a sentence susurrus

  1. Somewhere behind them there was a susurrus of rising bodies and speculation as someone moved along a pew.
  2. As soon as my hose was blocked the comforting susurrus of piped air, my constant companion through this jaunt, died away.

What is a synonym for susurrus?

babble, buzz, drone, grumble, hum, mumble, murmuration, mutter, purr, rumble, rumor, sigh, susurration, undertone, whisper, sough.

What is non necessity?

Definition of nonnecessity 1 : the condition of not being necessary … the issues being raised go well beyond legalities underlying the necessity or nonnecessity for an environmental impact statement. — Chemical and Engineering News. 2 : something that is not a necessity : something inessential or unnecessary …

What’s the opposite of a necessity?

What is the opposite of necessity?

nonnecessity nonessential
option non-essential
perk inessential
comfort leisure
extravagance opulence

Is Lousy a bad word?

The slang word lousy is the perfect way to describe something particularly awful or rotten. When you’re sick, you feel lousy, and when someone is mean or rude, they treat you in a lousy way. The original, literal meaning of lousy is “infested with lice,” those creepy crawly parasites that hang out on people’s scalps.

What does crumby mean in slang?

Crumby definition The definition of crumby is having a lot of crumbs or is slang for miserable or cheap. An example of something crumby is a piece of cake with crumbs. An example of something crumby is a rainy, cold day. adjective.

Is susurrus an onomatopoeia?

Most of these are everyday, 25-cent words with which you’re surely already familiar. But here is one of my favourite $2 onomatopoeic words: susurrus.

What makes the sound of a susurrus?

Word of the week is Susurrus [SU + SER + US] (noun): a low soft whispering or rustling sound. The noun susurration could also be used to mean the same thing. The sound made by the leaves of trees when wind blows through them could be described as the susurrus of the leaves.

What is the synonym for unnecessary?

Words related to unnecessary avoidable, futile, gratuitous, irrelevant, needless, redundant, superfluous, unneeded, useless, worthless, accidental, additional, beside the point, casual, causeless, chance, dispensable, excess, exorbitant, expendable.

What word means lack of necessities?

1 dearth, scarcity, paucity, deficit, insufficiency; want, need.