Is there facial masculinization surgery?

Facial masculinization surgery helps people achieve a more masculine appearance. There are many options, including lengthening the forehead or creating a sharper jawline. This is one of many gender-affirming procedures. For the best results, go to a surgeon who specializes in working with FTM individuals.

Is there body feminization surgery?

MTF Body Feminization Surgery. Because of the natural contours of the natal male form, Body Sculpting may be an option for many transgender women. Body Sculpting oversees a number of surgical procedures that are designed to enhance the shape of the body into a curvier, more feminine silhouette.

What is female feminization surgery?

Facial feminization surgery, or FFS, is a surgery that involves the cosmetic modification of your facial characteristics. The goal is to soften masculinized features into a shape more typically recognized as feminine.

How much is facial masculinization surgery cost?

Depending on the facial masculinization procedure, costs can range from $1,000 to $20,000. Temporary procedures are usually less expensive than surgical procedures, but they require ongoing maintenance. The cost of a surgical procedure will be dependent on location, surgeon, and length and involvement of the surgery.

Does insurance cover facial masculinization?

Facial masculinization surgery can be covered by health insurance in some instances. However, your coverage may only provide a small part of the total fee.

How painful is FFS?

Fortunately, most patients report that the pain after FFS is no worse than a headache or hangover. You are prescribed painkillers to take for a few days after the operation, but in many cases, a basic analgesic like paracetamol/acetaminophen is enough to manage any discomfort.

How can I feminize my face without surgery?

Dermal fillers such as Restylane® add volume and fullness to the lips as an injectable, non-surgical treatment consisting of hyaluronic acid — a safe, natural, and long-lasting substance that boosts lip volume, improves structure–and most critically for feminization–improves the overall lip shape.

Is MTF body contouring covered by insurance?

Coverage is available for medical, behavioral or pharmacological treatment that is Medically Necessary for Gender Dysphoria.

Does insurance cover facial masculinization surgery?