Is there any train from Pathankot to Dharamshala?
Is there any train from Pathankot to Dharamshala?
What companies run services between Pathankot Cantt, India and Dharamsala, India? Indian Railways operates a train from Pathankot to Nagrota 5 times a day. Tickets cost ₹120 – ₹700 and the journey takes 5h 51m.
Is there any railway station in Dharamshala?
The nearest major railway station to Dharamshala is at Pathankot, located at a distance of 85 km away. You can take a taxi or avail bus services from Pathankot to reach Dharamshala.
How can I go from Dharamshala to Pathankot?
The cheapest way to reach from Pathankot to Dharamsala is bus to Dharamshala and takes 3h 25m. The fastest way to reach from Pathankot to Dharamsala is cab to Dharamshala and takes 2h 27m. The recommended way to reach from Pathankot to Dharamsala is bus to Dharamshala and takes 3h 25m. Buses from Laxmi Holidays etc.
Is it safe to travel Pathankot?
Yes, Pathankot is very safe to travel.
Which is better Dalhousie or Dharamshala?
Dalhousie has many tourist attractions that make Dalhousie a place wherein you can indulge in a variety of activities. Thus, based on activities if you have to choose Dalhousie or Dharamshala, Dalhousie is the clear winner.
How far is Dharamshala from Dalhousie?
117 Kms
Distance Between Dharamshala to Dalhousie
Distance between Dharamshala to Dalhousie by Road is | 117 Kms |
Distance between Dharamshala to Dalhousie by Flight is | 49 Kms |
Travel Time from Dharamshala to Dalhousie by Road is | 3:3 hrs |
Nearest Airport in Dharamshala | Gaggal Airport (32.22, 76.32) |
Is Ola cab available in Dharamshala?
Tourist can also hire ola cab, meru cab, savaari taxi service to travel in and around Dharamshala.
Which is the best time to visit Dharamshala?
Best Time to visit Dharamshala
Travel Seasons | Min/Max Temperature | Season |
March to June | 20-35°C | Summer – Pleasant |
July to September | 18-22°C | Monsoon -High rainfall |
December to February | 4-7°C | Winter – Freezing |
Which hill station is near to Pathankot?
Dharamshala is the nearest hill station from Pathankot. The place was the residence place of Dalai Lama, the Tibetan monk in exile. The city is divided in an upper and lower division, the lower division is the Dharamsala town, and the upper-division is known as Mcleodganj.
Is Pathankot beautiful?
Pathankot is a beautiful city located in Punjab state at the meeting point of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir. The city is most famous for its rich history and beautiful natural beauty.
How many days are enough for Dharamshala?
Yes, 4 days are more than enough. In single day you can visit Bhagsunag Temple/Waterfall, Dalai Lama Temple and local markets etc. On second day you should visit Naddi, Church, Lake etc. And if you want to go for Triund trekking, you would need one full day where you can find snow.
Does Dharamshala have snow?
December to February: Winters in Dharamshala are freezing, but if you enjoy the cold and snow-white mountains, then this is a beautiful time to visit. It snows here during this time and the temperature tends to dip below -1 °C. Remember to carry lots of woolens and protection against chilly winds.