Is there any sandalwood left in Hawaii?

Sandalwood, called ‘iliahi in Hawai- ian, is a sacred species found in areas ranging from the islands’ coastal lines to its high mountains. Hawaii is home to six endemic species, representing the highest sandalwood diversity of any region in the world. 2 Globally, there are 18 species of Santalum.

Is sandalwood a tree?

S. album, commonly known as Indian Sandalwood, is a dry deciduous forest species native to China, India, Indonesia, Australia, and the Philippines. This small tropical tree grows to 20m high with red wood and a variety of dark colors of bark (dark brown, reddish and dark grey).

How did sandalwood get to Hawaii?

Sandalwood Trade [111] Foreign traders shipped these goods to the islands, exchanging them for sandalwood, which continued to be in demand in the Canton ports. (Sandalwood was a desirable cash crop in Hawai’i because it could be harvested year round and did not have to be irrigated or cultivated.)

Was sandalwood native to Hawaii?

Santalum freycinetianum, the forest sandalwood, Freycinet sandalwood, or ʻIliahi, is a species of flowering tree in the European mistletoe family, Santalaceae, that is endemic to the Hawaiian Islands.

Does sandalwood float on water?

The red sandal wood takes on a color of purplish brown, and is so dense that any piece of it placed in water will sink immediately.

What did Hawaiians use sandalwood for?

Hawaiians used sandalwood mainly for minor medicinal treatments and to scent kapa, the bark cloth used for clothing and bedding. They couldn’t comprehend foreigners’ singular obsession with the tree, a revered and precious treasure in Asia.

What was sandalwood used for?

The sweet, powerful, and lasting odor has made sandalwood oil useful in the perfume industry, soaps, candles, incense, folk medicine, and religious and cultural purposes for centuries. In addition, the wood and its powder are used for religious and medicinal purposes, and the food industry, especially in India.

How tall do sandalwood trees get?

Depending on variety and location, sandalwood may grow as 10-foot-tall (3 m.) shrubs or trees up to 30 feet tall (9 m.). They are often found in areas with poor, dry clay or sandy soils. Sandalwood trees are tolerant of high wind, drought, salt spray and intense heat.

Why is sandalwood so precious?

Sandalwood is expensive compared to other types of woods, so to maximize profit, sandalwood is harvested by removing the entire tree instead of sawing it down at the trunk close to ground level. This way wood from the stump and root, which possesses high levels of sandalwood oil, can also be processed and sold.

How long does sandalwood take to grow?

Sandal trees can be grown in all types of soil except marshy land. It needs at least 15 to 20 years to procure sandal wood from the tree. A tree may be cut after attaining a girth (circumference) of 242 to 3 feet at the chest height of the tree. The hearth wood starts developing after 7 years.