Is there a limit on catfish in Mississippi?

There is no creel limit on catfish.

What is the fish limit in Mississippi?


Species Minimum length in inches Number of fish bag/possession
Spotted Seatrout 15 TL 15
Red Drum* 18 TL to 30 TL 3
Flounder 12 TL 10
Sheepshead 14 TL 15

What is size of flounder in Mississippi?

12 inches
Mississippi Flounder Gigging Regulations Mississippi Flounder Size Limit: 12 inches, measured straight line distance from tip of snout to tip of tail. Mississippi Flounder Gigging Season: All months of the year in state waters.

Are catfish traps legal in Mississippi?

Illegal Methods It is unlawful to take any fish species by muddying and by the use of lime, poison, explosives, electrical devices, wire baskets, fish traps, or dip net.

Is night fishing legal in Mississippi?

“You can fish the same places at night you’d fish during the day, and pull in a little shallower even,” says Clay Coleman, of Clay’s Bait and Tackle, in Tupelo.

How many Poles can I fish with in Mississippi?

a. Anglers fishing these waters may use no more than one (1) pole or rod per person except for those persons fishing in 3C.

Can you sell catfish in Mississippi?

(2) It is unlawful to use the term “catfish” in the advertising, distributing, labeling or selling of any of those species within the family of Siluridae, Clariidae and Pangasiidae or any other fish not within the definition of catfish in Section 69-7-605.

Is it legal to fish at night in Mississippi?

“You can fish the same places at night you’d fish during the day, and pull in a little shallower even,” says Clay Coleman, of Clay’s Bait and Tackle, in Tupelo. “The bass feed up shallower at night.”

How many fishing rods can you use in Mississippi?

a. Anglers fishing these waters may use no more than one (1) pole or rod per person except for those persons fishing in Ross Barnett Reservoir from Lowhead dam to the end of the Idle Speed Only/No Wake Zone area downstream of the dam.

Do you need a fishing license to fish on private property in Mississippi?

Resident – Each resident of the State of Mississippi ages sixteen (16) through sixty-four (64), fishing in the fresh or marine waters of Mississippi, including lakes and reservoirs but NOT to include privately owned ponds and streams, shall be required to buy a fishing license.

Can you use treble hooks in Mississippi?

All anglers shall use no more than two (2) single hooks or one treble fish hook no larger than #2 or one artificial lure with no more than three (3) treble hooks no larger than #2.

How many hooks can you fish with in Mississippi?

All anglers shall use no more than two (2) single hooks or one treble fish hook no larger than #2 or one artificial lure with no more than three (3) treble hooks no larger than #2. A. Bay Springs Reservoir from outlet downstream to Mississippi Hwy 4 overpass.