Is there a good drow God?
Is there a good drow God?
Eilistraee (pronounced: /ˈaɪlɪsˌtraɪi/ EYEL-iss-TRY-ee) was the chaotic good drow goddess of beauty, song, dance, freedom, moonlight, swordwork, and hunting, within the drow pantheon known as the Dark Seldarine.
Is Lolth a demon lord?
Lolth is a demon lord and a goddess worshipped by the drow (some myths propose that she was originally a goddess who was transformed into a demon). She displays formidable power and great cruelty with an affection for arachnids.
What kind of demon is errtu?
Errtu was a balor, the second most powerful class of the true tanar’ri demons, after the demon lords. He was twelve feet tall, covered in red scales, had a large pair of batlike wings and a tail, and had a horned, ape-like head with a dog-like muzzle.
Is jarlaxle a baenre?
Jarlaxle was born to Yvonnel Baenre, the matron mother of House Baenre, the first house of Menzoberranzan. Due to the status of his birth order, Jarlaxle was to be sacrificed to Lolth. However, the sacrificial blade of Matron Baenre could not pierce the infant.
Who is the God of the drow?
Vhaeraun (veɪˈrɔːn vayRAWN’), also known as the Masked Lord and the Masked God of Night, is the drow god of thievery, drow males, and evil activity on the surface world in many Dungeons & Dragons campaign settings.
What God do the drow worship?
The Dark Seldarine, the pantheon of the drow, was “led” by Lolth, the Spider Queen, in the sense that she was the most powerful and widely worshiped drow deity. She dominated the drow race’s lives and urged them into heavy infighting.
Why is Lolth a drider?
Driders were created from drow in an agonizing process that required a yochlol, or to be more precise Lolth’s power as channeled through the demon, during the ritual that initiated the process. Only drow could be turned into driders.
Who is Drizzt’s daughter?
The birth of Drizzt and Catti-brie’s daughter Briennelle Zaharina—named for both of her grandfathers, Bruenor and Zaknafein—during the war between all the houses of Menzoberranzan around and beneath Gauntlgrym in 1488 DR was truly magical.