Is there a generic Heartgard Plus?

Many pet owners use a preventative like Heartgard Plus, but there is a generic equivalent to Heartgard Plus, which is Iverhart Max. Both products prevent heartworm disease and also control roundworms, hookworms.

Can you get heartworm medicine from PetSmart?

Prescriptions from a licensed veterinarian are required to purchase Heartworm Medication from The Pharmacy at PetSmart. All medications are fulfilled by Allivet.

Does Heartgard Plus require a prescription?

Heartgard Plus is a prescription pharmaceutical and requires veterinary authorization. This prescription medication will kill heartworms and control and treat hookworms. Every 30 days feed your dog one chewable tablet and your dog will be protected from heartworms and hookworms.

How much does heartworm pills cost for dogs?

Heartworm prevention requires a prescription from your veterinarian, and it is generally administered monthly as a tablet that costs between $6 and $18 per month. You can also opt for an injection.

What is difference between Heartgard and Heartgard Plus?

Heartgard and Heartgard Plus both protect dogs against heartworm infestation. Heartgard protects against heartworms alone. Heartgard Plus protects against heartworms, hookworms, roundworms, and other ascarids (types of intestinal parasites).

What is the difference between Heartgard and Tri Heart Plus?

Tri-Heart Plus and Heartgard are both oral medications that are effective at preventing heartworms in dogs. Heartgard protects against heartworms alone. Tri-Heart Plus, as its name implies, protects against three types of parasite: heartworm, roundworm, and hookworm.

Can you buy over the counter heartworm medicine for dogs?

Although it may be disappointing that there are no over-the-counter treatments available, the reason for this is an important one – your dog should only begin treatment with a heartworm preventative medicine when a negative heartworm test has been confirmed by your veterinarian.

What’s the difference between Heartgard and NexGard?

There are some distinct differences between these products. Mainly that Heartgard is used for parasites, such as hookworms and roundworms. Nexgard focuses on fleas and ticks. Both products employ a 1 tablet per month regimen for your pet.

Do I need Heartgard or Heartgard Plus?

Heartgard Regular for Dogs Heartworms can lead to all sorts of devastating outcomes, which is why prevention is so important. Heartgard for Dogs helps to prevent heartworms, and Heartgard Plus does triple duty to prevent heartworms, as well as ascarid and hookworm infections.