Is there a fruitless purple plum tree?

Fruitless tree varieties that produce little or no fruit at all include “Krauter Vesuvius” and “Purple Pony” (P. cerasifera). “Vesuvius” grows up to 20 feet tall, with dark, blackish-purple leaves and single, pale-pink flowers.

Are flowering plum trees messy?

Yet growers still love it for its beautiful spring flowers and rich leaf color. In terms of its care, plan to water your tree throughout the growing season, April through October, without sufficient rainfall. This tree also benefits from regular feeding and pruning. It can be a messy tree if fruit forms in spring.

Do flowering plum trees have invasive roots?

A plum tree does not have a notorious root system, one that heaves up sidewalks, for instance. The vast majority of roots of any tree species are found in the top 12 to 18 inches of soil.

Are purple Pony plum trees messy?

And Purple Pony Plum has been observed since 1962. It is considered sterile. Because it doesn’t produce fruit, it won’t mess up the yard, walkway, or driveway.

How big do fruitless plum trees get?

Most varieties of fruitless flowering plum have white to light pink flowers and purple foliage. The trees grow to be approximately 20 to 25 feet in height. Most varieties are rounded in form and have dense branching. They maintain their rich foliage color throughout the summer months.

How do you care for a fruitless plum tree?

While capable of surviving in shade, the foliage of ornamental plums will remain green in shady locations. The trees need regular weekly watering. For a neat, tidy appearance, prune annually in winter. Then feed the ornamental plum tree with a general purpose fertilizer before blooming begins.

Why does my fruitless plum tree have plums?

Without pollination the fruit will not form. If the fruit has formed and freezing weather occurs the fruit may be killed unless the cold is not severe and if there are enough leaves on the tree to hold some heat radiating from warm soil.

Do flowering plum trees lose their leaves in winter?

Throughout its hardiness zones, purple leaf plum drops its leaves in fall and needs no extra protection against winter lows. But at the mild end of its growing zones, unexpected highs and lows can warrant stepping in to save the clusters of 1-inch blossoms that appear before purple leaves unfurl.

How tall does a flowering plum get?

Characteristics. A purple flowering plum tree is a fast-growing tree variety that reaches a height of 15 to 25 feet. The tree crown takes a round shape and reaches a width of 15 to 25 feet at the largest point. Flowering plum trees produce purple leaf foliage and a fragrant, white or pink colored flowers in spring.

Is flowering plum a fast growing tree?

The Newport Flowering Plum Tree has a fast, dependable growth rate. It gains between 3 and 5 feet of new growth a year – or sometimes even more! In order to get the fastest growth, water the Newport Flowering Plum Tree at least once a week and fertilize once in spring and once in late summer.

Is there a dwarf flowering plum tree?

Dwarf flowering plum trees grow 8 to 10 feet tall, and semi-dwarf varieties reach a few feet taller. For example, “Dwarf Natal Plum” (Carissa macrocarpa) is an evergreen ground-cover plant that grows only 12 to 18 inches high but spreads from 4 to 8 feet wide. It has small, green, leathery leaves on forked spines.

Do flowering plum trees lose their leaves?

The leaves appear just after the fading of the flowers. Leaves are generally shed in the month of August and by the end of September, the tree completely loses its foliage. Purple leaf plum trees bear small, deep red or purple colored fruits in July.