Is there a big difference between 16 bit and 24 bit audio?

Audio resolution, measured in bits Similarly, 24-bit audio can record 16,777,216 discreet values for loudness levels (or a dynamic range of 144 dB), versus 16-bit audio which can represent 65,536 discrete values for the loudness levels (or a dynamic range of 96 dB).

Does 24 bit sound better?

While noise is basically nonexistent between both bit depths, 24-bit audio is better for studio audio editing. At higher volumes, audio starts to distort. A higher dynamic range means that the audio can reach louder volumes before distortion sets in. 24-bit audio is optimal for editing in that regard.

Is it better to record in 16 bit or 24 bit?

The bottom line is, if you are happy with the results you get with 16-bit, there may be no benefit in changing to 24. However, most people do find that 24-bit working enables greater headroom margins without noise penalties, and that in turn makes recording less stressful and mixing rather easier.

Is 16 bit audio good enough?

Based on our experience, 16-bit and 44.1 kHz provides the best audio quality you’re able to experience. Everything beyond that format tends to be a waste of drive capacity and, since the high-def recordings are more expensive, money as well.

Is 24bit audio noticeable?

So a 24 bit audio file won’t sound more detailed and clear than a 16 bit audio file. Instead, as we’ve already established, it simply means that a higher bit depth will have a lower noise floor.

How many kbps is 24bit audio?

2,304 Kbps

Settings Bitrate File size per hour
16 bit, 44.1 KHz 1,411.2 Kbps 635.04 MB
16 bit, 48 KHz 1,536 Kbps 691.2 MB
24 bit, 48KHz 2,304 Kbps 1.036 GB
24 bit, 96KHz 4,608 Kbps 2.0736 GB

What is the best bit depth?

For consumer/end-user applications, a bit depth of 16 bits is perfectly fine. For professional use (recording, mixing, mastering or professional video editing) a bit depth of 24 bits is better.