Is the Rabbit-Proof Fence a true story?

It is loosely based on a true story concerning the author’s mother Molly, as well as two other Aboriginal girls, Daisy Kadibil and Gracie, who escape from the Moore River Native Settlement, north of Perth, Western Australia, to return to their Aboriginal families, after being placed there in 1931.

What is Rabbit-Proof Fence about by Doris Pilkington?

This is the story of three Aboriginal half caste girls removed from their families in Western Australia by government officials who sent them 1000 miles away to a ‘residential school’, more like a prison than a boarding school, where they were incarcerated and expected to learn to read and write and speak English …

What is the purpose of the Rabbit-Proof Fence book?

Based on a true story, the book is a personal account of an Indigenous Australian family’s experiences as members of the Stolen Generation—the forced removal of mixed-race children from their families during the early 20th century.

What does the Rabbit-Proof Fence represent or symbolize for the characters?

It was a typical response by the white people to a problem of their own making. Building a fence to keep the rabbits out proved to be a futile attempt by the government of the day. For the three runaways, the fence was a symbol of love, home and security.

What does follow the white rabbit mean?

“The phrase “Follow the white rabbit” means to follow an idea or a concept which may lead to a strange place”

How is the Rabbit Proof Fence a symbol of the struggles of the stolen generations?

Rabbit-Proof Fence stirred up a lot of controversy in Australia, due to its portrayal of the Stolen Generations. This term relates to the Torres Strait Islander and Australian Aboriginal children removed from their homes by Australian Federal and State government agencies, as well as church missions.

What does the eagle represent in Rabbit Proof Fence?

The bird is used to portray the sense of freedom and a guide to help Molly through the difficult times on the journey home. It symbolises safety and protection after the children were taken away from their mother.

Who is Molly’s father in Rabbit-Proof Fence?

Thomas Craig
Molly Craig was the daughter of Maude, a Mardu woman, and Thomas Craig, a fence inspector on the rabbit-proof fence. She grew up in the traditional desert community based around the Jigalong fence depot. Her life as a child was a semi-nomadic one, the family spending long periods away from the depot.