Is the PSL a good rifle?

Not only has the PSL proved to be an overall accurate rifle, it delivered consistent performance well within the parameters it was designed for. There is no surprise why these rifles perform so well at my sniper classes.

Is the PSL an AK?

The SVD has also been described as being more refined—unique among Soviet weapons—whereas the PSL is akin to an AK-style workhorse. One final notable difference is that the SVD did serve as the basis for several hunting rifles, but those weapons were quite distinct visually from the military versions.

Is the PSL legal in California?

Under California state law, most exempt and non-exempt employees with 30 or more days of employment in a calendar year have eligibility for paid sick leave (PSL). PSL is available for full-time workers, part-time workers, and temporary employees.

What round does a PSL shoot?

7.62x54mmR cartridge
The PSL is chambered for the standard Russian 7.62x54mmR cartridge which is available around the world. While a fine cartridge, most of the military ammunition available in this caliber is of machine gun quality.

What does PSL rifle stand for?

scoped semi-automatic rifle
The PSL (Romanian: Puşcă Semiautomată 7,62 mm cu Lunetă, model 1974, “scoped semi-automatic rifle”) is a Romanian military designated marksman rifle. It is also called PSL-54C, Romak III, FPK and SSG-97 (Scharfschützengewehr 1997).

Is the Dragunov reliable?

The Dragunov is capable of accuracy of around a hair over 1 MOA with proper ammunition. In comparison, the M24 SWS is capable of shooting consistently around 0.6 MOA with military issue sniper ammunition.

Does sick leave roll over in California?

Your employer must allow you to use at least three days of paid sick leave per year. You must be allowed to roll over accrued but unused sick leave into the following year, although your employer can cap the amount of paid sick leave you can rollover at 48 hours, or six days.

Can you use PTO for sick days California?

Under California’s permanent paid sick time law: if you already get any paid leave (vacation, paid time off, etc.) that you can use as sick time and it’s at least the same amount you would earn under this law, the law does not give you any additional paid time off.

What type of gun is a PSL?

designated marksman rifle

What is a PSL weapon?

The PSL (Romanian: Puşcă Semiautomată cu Lunetă, “scoped semi-automatic rifle”) is a Romanian military designated marksman rifle, the workhorse weapon of Communist Bloc countries since the 1970s. It was the Long-Range weapon of the North Korean SOF.