Is the new LOL patch out?

League of Legends patch 12.15 – Wednesday, August 10, 2022. League of Legends patch 12.16 – Wednesday, August 24, 2022. League of Legends patch 12.17 – Thursday, September 8, 2022. League of Legends patch 12.18 – Wednesday, September 21, 2022.

What patch is LOL in RN?

We are currently in League of Legends Patch 12.11.

What patch is league pro play on?

League of Legends Patch 12.7 will go live on April 13, shaking up the pro meta in anticipation of the Mid-Season Invitational.

What patch is preseason?

Patch 11.23
Preseason 2022 is here, and it’s BIG! Patch 11.23 brings sweeping changes to the Rift (literally and figuratively) with the new Chemtech & Hextech Drakes, 6 new items, 24 item updates, 3 changes to runes, and Objective Bounties!

What time is the league patch?

LOL Patch 12.9 Release Date and Time NA Servers: 3 am PT/6 am ET. EU West Servers: 4 am UTC/5 am BST.

What time is League of Legends patch?

There is no fixed time for League of Legends updates; however, based on previous updates, patches are released in the middle of the week, with servers going down for maintenance at 6 am EST for roughly 3 hours, with new patches then going live around 9 am EST.

What time are league patches?

Does Renekton get buffed?

Interestingly, it seems that Riot are not leaning into his early game bully persona, but are instead giving him increased scaling. This will mean that Renekton will not focus as much on snowballing the game, as his scaling will afford him more options in the late game as well.

Did Viktor get buffed?

His ultimate is getting quite a few adjustments. Viktor mains finally have reason to rejoice. Riot Games has revealed some plans to buff the Machine Herald in League of Legends’ Patch 9.20.

When lol patch 11. 22?

3 November
REMINDER: League of Legends 11.22 Patch is coming this Wednesday, 3 November. League of Legends might already have one eye on Preseason 2022 changes but there’s always another patch to prepare for and up next it’ll be LOL Patch 11.22.