Is the M50x overrated?

The M50X could be considered overrated, but you have to take it into context. At one point years and years ago they were one of the better performing and more popular closed backs, and an easy recommendation for people who didn’t want to spend tons of money but get something that sounds good.

Is the M50x a hi fi?

Are the Audio-Technica ATH-M50x still a good buy? Yes, the ATH-M50x still have decent sound quality that is up to today’s standards, and they’re lightweight and comfortable too. If you’re looking for a more affordable pair of studio headphones, the Sony MDR-7506 are a great alternative.

Why are ATH-M50x so popular?

Although they were launched in January 2014, the Audio-Technica ATH-M50X remain a very popular option for anyone looking for a good pair of wired headphones. The main reason for the success of the headphones has been their fantastic build quality, and of course, their signature sound.

Are M50x worth it?

Yes, the Audio-Technica ATH-M50x are absolutely worth it. These headphones are extremely versatile and so regardless of what you use them for (streaming, gaming, listening to music, etc.) you can be assured that you are getting an excellent pair of headphones for a great price.

Is M50x high impedance?

You probably wouldnt notice an amp with m50x. Amps are mostly for high impedance headphones. Your m50x are 32 ohm i believe, which is low. You can use them with an iphone just fine.

Why do people hate ATH-M50x?

Perhaps some of the hate against the M50X seems like it’s just because they are mega-popular. Or maybe, it comes from unrealistic expectations for the sound of a “studio monitor,” especially in this price range. Comfort is another point of contention I’ve seen. Some feel they’re too clampy.

Why do people hate the Audio Technica M50x?

Are Audio Technica M50x flat?

500+ Head-Fier ATH-M50 is not a flat headphone in fact it has a well balance frequency response. It is great for listening to all kind of music.