Is the lever action 30 30 A good rifle?

30-30 Model H009. It’s accurate, reliable, and affordable. If you’re looking for a highly accurate, fast lever action rifle that is dependable, and will last for generations, I’d recommend the Winchester Model 94. If you’re looking for an exceptional hunting rifle, the Marlin 336 is your best bet.

How much does a Henry 30/30 lever action cost?

Henry 30-30 Lever Action Rifle -From the Northwoods to the Texas hill country and in every deer camp and lodge in between, the . 30-30 rifle remains the perennial choice of whitetail hunters. SAVE UP TO $50 ON YOUR ONLINE ORDER TODAY!…1 of 1.

Price $929.99
Capacity 5+1
Barrel Length 20in
Lop 14.0in
Finish Brass / Blued

How far will a 30/30 lever action shoot?

In a nutshell, out to 200-250 yards—and most deer in the East are shot at closer ranges than that—if you can do your job, a good . 30-30 rifle with quality ammo will do its job, too.

How far will a 30/30 bullet travel?

two to two and a half miles
This 30-30 bullet can travel two to two and a half miles. This 0.308 bullet can travel two and a half to three and a half miles. So, as you can see, these bullets can travel a very long distance. Just be sure that you’re shooting against a backstop.

Are Henry rifles any good?

Despite a design going back more than 150 years, the accuracy of today’s New Original Henry is as good as, and sometimes better than, some more-modern lever-action rifles. It may also be the most fun to shoot.

Are lever-action rifles hard to clean?

The receiver of a lever-action rifle is not likely to get very dirty very quickly, but take a look inside and see if it needs to be cleaned. Your gun cleaning kit should come with a brush that you could use to clean the receiver if it needs it. Or just wipe it down a bit with a microfiber cloth.