Is the HK VP9 worth the money?

Conclusion. If you’re thinking about picking up a new pistol and want something that’ll run out of the box with some legitimately rad ergonomic features built-in, grab the HK VP9. While you might want to invest in some gloves, the VP9 feels great in the hand, shoots well, and is a gun you shouldn’t sleep on.

Is HK VP9 better than Glock?

The HK VP9 has more muzzle flip, but it’s also a softer-recoiling gun that tracks really well. It’s almost like shooting a polymer striker-fired CZ 75 solid. The Glock 19, on the other hand, has more recoil but less muzzle flip and it just shoots faster.

Is the HK VP9 a good carry gun?

If you don’t yet own a striker-fired pistol and want to, the HK VP9 is a solid choice as a dependable sidearm with HK’s time-tested reliability. It will without a doubt be worth the cost of purchase, measured over its long lifespan.

Does HK still make the VP9?

The VP9 is Heckler & Koch’s latest, and most successful pistol design. We are pleased to announce that H&K VP 9 pistols will be shipped with the following upgrades: 17-round magazines will replace previous 15-round versions….+ Weight.

Caliber Weight (with empty magazine)
9mm x 19 753 g25.56 oz.

Is a HK better than a Glock?

The Glock has a slightly faster cyclic rate, but the HK VP9’s just a little smoother on the recoil impulse. It’s going to depend on what type of gun you prefer. I personally really like the way a Glock shoots. It seems a little bit faster and snappier to me, which I like, whereas the HK VP9 has more of a slower push.

What’s the best HK pistol?

The Best HK Pistols and Handguns Reviewed

  • Heckler & Koch HK45 Compact Tactical .
  • Heckler & Koch P30SK (SubKompact) 9mm, V3-Double Action/Single Action Semi-Auto.
  • Heckler & Koch VP40 .
  • Heckler & Koch USP40 Standard .
  • Heckler & Koch VP9 9mm x 19 Pistol.
  • Heckler & Koch P2000 9mm 3.66 in.
  • Heckler & Koch HK45 Tactical .

Where is HK VP9 made?

The pistols are made in Heckler & Koch’s Oberndorf factory in southwest Germany. Most striker-fired handguns have a pre-travel pull that increases in weight as the shooter squeezes it rearward. The VP9 trigger has a short, light take-up with a solid, single action type break followed by a short positive reset.

Which is better P30 or VP9?

The HK P30 is hammer-fired while the VP9 is striker-fired, but the differences go much deeper than that….Size.

Metrics HK P30 HK VP9
Weight w/ full mag (Oz) 32.8/33.7 33
Height (top of slide to bottom of magazine baseplate) (Inches) 5.34 5.34
Length (Inches) 7.00 7.29
Width of grip (Inches) 1.32 1.26

Does the H&K VP9 have a safety?

Safety features abound on the VP9 and include a unique side mounted drop safety for the firing pin. The frame incorporates a trigger mounted safety that prevents accidental discharge from impact if the VP9 is struck or dropped, and a disconnector ensures that the slide must be in battery for the VP9 to fire.