Is The Dark Knight Returns comic good?

The Dark Knight Returns is a true classic because it makes an argument about Batman’s essential nature, and because it does something that traditional superhero comics can almost never do: It brings Batman’s story to a fitting close.

What makes The Dark Knight Returns Good?

The Dark Knight Returns reinvigorated Batman as a much darker hero than before. It also inspired decades of comics that came after it, as well as an animated film adaptation. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice also seized upon the confrontation between DC’s top superheroes.

Is The Dark Knight Returns the best Batman story?

The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller has gone down as one of the greatest Batman stories of all time. Released in 1985, a pretty great year for comics, it presented a stark look at an older Bruce Wayne coming out of retirement as Batman and dealing with a worse world than he remembers.

What is the message of The Dark Knight Returns?

Duality – This can be an extension of the balance theme. In Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, we have good and evil in heroes and villains, but we also have internal conflict that causes duality. For example, Batman can see Two-Face for who he really is, even though plastic surgery has corrected his outward appearance.

What did Frank Miller think of The Dark Knight Returns movie?

“I benefited greatly from Dark Knight Returns and so have they and continue to. And it can only be looked at as a healthy relationship.”

How old is Superman in The Dark Knight Returns?

Unlike Batman, who is now middle-aged, Superman has remained (at least physically) in his early to mid-thirties. According to Miller, ‘”Superman has always been 30 and will always be 30.”‘

Why is The Dark Knight Returns so popular?

This comic book helped to push Batman back into the mainstream, creating a hunger for darker Batman stories in the process. Not only did this story help create more Batman fans, but it also helped inspire movie and TV show adaptations, with Christopher Nolan and Zack Snyder looking at the comic for inspiration.

What inspired the Dark Knight Returns?

During the creation of the series, fellow comics writer/artist John Byrne told Miller, “Robin must be a girl”, and Miller agreed. Miller said that the comic series’ plot was inspired by Dirty Harry, specifically the 1983 film Sudden Impact, in which Dirty Harry returns to crime-fighting after a lengthy convalescence.

Is Batman crazy in The Dark Knight Returns?

However, this return to Batman led to his eventual insanity. While mostly heroic, there is still the major battle between Batman and Superman who acts on behalf of the government after the Joker finishes himself off. In the brutal fight to follow, Batman fakes his own death.

Why did Superman fight Batman in The Dark Knight Returns?

The root of the Batman/Superman battle in Dark Knight Returns came down to an authority figure Superman cracking down on a wild card Batman at the government’s insistence.

How old is Bruce Wayne in The Dark Knight Returns?

Plot. The Dark Knight Returns is set in a dystopian version of Gotham City in 1986. Bruce Wayne, aged 55, has given up the mantle of Batman after the death of Jason Todd ten years prior.

How old is Bruce when he becomes Batman?

Let’s start with Frank Miller’s “Year One.” Bruce, age 25, arrives back in Gotham from his training and traveling abroad in January. He turns 26 in February, making him 26 when he debuts as Batman in April.

Who is the Joker in the Dark Knight Returns?

This imagery draws back to one depicted by Miller and Varley in their 2002 follow-up to his original classic. In The Dark Knight Strikes Again, Dick Grayson is seen masquerading as the Joker, who was killed during a confrontation with Batman in the original series.

Is the Dark Knight Returns a masterpiece?

Publisher Description. Hailed as a comics masterpiece, THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS is Frank Miller’s (300 and SIN CITY) reinvention of the legend of Batman. It remains an undisputed classic, one of the most influential stories ever told in comics, and is a book cited by the filmmakers as an inspiration for the most recent Batman movies. It is ten years after an aging Batman has retired, and Gotham City has sunk deeper into decadence and lawlessness.

Is the Dark Knight Rises better than the Dark Knight?

With a scraggly, unkempt beard and a bathrobe acting as his cape, Bruce Wayne appeared more like how one imagines Christian Bale exists between gigs than Batman at the start of The Dark Knight Rises symbol to galvanize the better angels of Gotham

Why is the Joker not in the Dark Knight Rises?

The Joker is not mentioned in The Dark Knight Rises, the 2012 sequel to The Dark Knight, out of respect for Ledger’s memory. … The worst of the worst were sent here, except for the Joker, who, rumor had it, was locked away as Arkham’s sole remaining inmate. Or perhaps he had escaped.