Is the clarion angelfish endangered?

Despite minimal collecting pressure on wild stocks due to the captive bred source, the Clarion angelfish was recently classified as Vulnerable by the IUCN and now requires CITES II permits to be exported or imported.

How much is a clarion angelfish?

Item # Description Price
026873 Clarion Angelfish – Captive Bred, Tiny: up to 2″, Tank Raised, Juvenile * Restriction On Guarantee $15,000.00
026874 Clarion Angelfish – Captive Bred, Small: over 2-2.5″, Tank Raised, Juvenile * Restriction On Guarantee $15,000.00

Why are clarion angelfish so expensive?

This fish can be found in deeper waters in the Western Indian Ocean making collecting this species very difficult, hence their high price. They are not an endangered species – just simply hard to capture.

What is the rarest angelfish?

The Clown Angelfish is one of the rarer breeds of Angelfish, and you may find it difficult to find one without significant effort. These fish have a complex pattern across their entire body that creates spots that vary in size and shape. Clown Angelfish are more peaceful than many other breeds and are easy to maintain.

What’s the most expensive angelfish?

The peppermint angelfish
The peppermint angelfish is known as one of the most expensive fish in the world with $30,000 being the highest listed price. And there is excellent reasoning for it! Collecting these fish requires a specially trained diver to reach nearly 400 feet down into the ocean.

Which arowana is the most expensive?

Asian Arowana
Asian Arowana – The most expensive aquarium fish Rare species, like the ones in West Kalimantan, recognizable by their color, reach the price of 1,500 dollars. Adult albino specimens are sold for the astronomical price of 70,000 dollars.

What is the rarest fish on Earth?

Red Handfish This unusual fish is so rare that conservationists thought it was extinct, but a diver discovered a small colony of handfish off the coast of Australia. There may be fewer than 100 of these fish left alive, making the red handfish one of the rarest fish in the world.

What is the rarest fish in the world 2021?