Is the Browning Hi Power a good gun?

The Real Guns testers concluded that, “The Browning Hi-Power is the perfect pistol for anyone who likes the 1911 form, but wants a 9mm with greater magazine capacity, but not appreciably larger bulk. It is easy to shoot, easy to maintain and… (it’s) a significantly refined firearm.”

Does anyone still make Browning Hi Power?

No longer in production. The Hi-Power is one of John Moses Browning’s finest designs. And although it is possible to still find Hi-Power pistols at dealers across the U.S., the Hi-Power is technically out of production.

What year was my Browning Hi Power made?

Example: 69C1000 = A 1969 Hi Power pistol with a serial number of 1000. In 1975 Browning standardized its serial number identification which it followed until 1998….Serial Number Info.

1. Hi Power Type 2W5=40 S&W 245=9mm
2. Date of Manufacture is a two digit code Z=1 Y=2 X=3 W=4 V=5 T=6 R=7 P=8 N=9 M=0

How many bullets does a Browning 9mm hold?

The Browning Hi-Power is a single-action, semi-automatic handgun available in the 9mm and . 40 S&W calibers….

Browning Hi-Power
Feed system Detachable box magazine 10, 13, 15 or 17 rounds (9mm) 20 or 30 rounds made by Rhodesia (9mm) 10 rounds (.40 S&W)

Is Browning still making handguns?

As indicated on the barrel inscriptions, the BAR is “MADE IN BELGIUM — ASSEMBLED IN PORTUGAL BY BROWNING VIANA.” The BAR is the only current production Browning firearm falling into this category.

How many 9mm rounds should I have?

A good rule of thumb is to consider a 500-round stash your starting point for your handgun. That might seem high but it does go fast. Of those 500 rounds at least 150 should be defensive, not target rounds. If you can afford to stash mostly defensive ammo, do it.