Is the brass beast a good weapon?

The brass beast is A GOOD WEAPON! To anyone who hates brass beast heavys and kicks them JUST For using it: THE BRASS BEAST IS A GOOD WEAPON! IT IS AN AMBUSH TYPE OF WEAPON THAT IS USEFUL FOR YOUR TEAM!

What is the best heavy primary?

Whats the best and worst primary for Heavy? The best would be the Tomislav. It spins up faster and silenter. The firing speed is ussually unoticable and a primary used by most heavies besides stock.

How much does it cost to fire Sasha?

It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon… for twelve seconds. The Minigun, known affectionately as “Sasha”, is the default primary weapon for the Heavy.

What happened to the brass Beast in Warframe?

The Brass Beast was added to the game. The Brass Beast was added to the Mann Co. Store, made craftable, and included in random drops. The Brass Beast was given a unique kill icon. [Undocumented] The spin-up and spin-down animations of the Heavy’s miniguns were changed.

What is the brass Beast?

The Brass Beast is a community-created primary weapon for the Heavy, which he has named ” Oksana “. It is an antique minigun made almost entirely of brass, bearing resemblance to the original 1862 Gatling gun made by Richard J. Gatling with a number of modifications.

When holding the primary fire button during a taunt the brass Beast?

When holding the primary fire button during a taunt the Brass Beast’s muzzle flash turns invisible. Oksana (Russian: Оксана) is a popular Russian girl’s name of Ukrainian and ultimately Greek origin. First-person view.

What’s been changed in the brass Beast?

Tuned Brass Beast recoil to have less of an impact on your aiming reticle. [Undocumented] The damage bonus attribute was changed from “+20% damage done” to “+20% damage bonus”. [Undocumented] Added Strange Quality.