Is text and SMS the same?

Short Message Service (SMS) & Text Messaging (Texting) are the same thing. It is a means of sending short messages to and from mobile phones. SMS was originally defined as part of the GSM series of standards in 1985 as a means of sending messages of up to 160 characters, to and from GSM mobile handsets.

Is SMS a text?

SMS is an acronym for “Short Message Service” and is the oldest, most widespread, and frequently used texting technology supported by every mobile network and device today. In the U.S. alone, over 6 billion SMS messages are sent daily.

What happens if I turn off SMS on iPhone?

When you disable SMS, the iMessage system automatically takes over, and sends and receives messages using your cellular or Wi-Fi data connection. To ensure you don’t receive any text messages through SMS, you can also disable your cellular data connection to force your iPhone to use an available Wi-Fi network.

What does SMS mean on my phone?

short messaging service
For a start – SMS stands for short messaging service. It’s a protocol used for sending short messages over wireless networks. Unlike many services in use today, such as MMS and other data-driven instant messaging services, SMS still works on the fundamental voice rather than the data part of the wireless network.

Are all texts SMS?

While “texting” is a slang term, there are two types of texts: SMS and MMS. While texting and SMS are one and the same, SMS and MMS messages are very different. As we’ve discussed, SMS is a text-only message.

How do I turn off SMS?

Turn off verified SMS:

  1. Open the Messages app .
  2. Tap More options Settings Verified SMS.
  3. Turn off Verify business message sender.

What is SMS iPhone?

SMS stands for Short Message Service, which is the formal name for the technology used for text messaging. It’s a way to send short messages from one phone to another. These messages are usually sent over a cellular data network. (That’s not always true, though. For instance, iMessages can be sent over Wi-Fi.

Do I need SMS on my iPhone?

Which is better for you? Most iPhone users will want to use iMessages, so long as they have a good plan that can handle the data usage. The only reason to use SMS instead of iMessage is if you’re chatting with people who don’t have Apple devices, or if you don’t have any data on your phone.

Why are some of my texts green and some are blue?

Since Android and other carriers operate within the SMS and MMS standards of text communication, these green texts are more versatile in who they can reach with their texts. Blue messages, or iMessage messages, are compatible within the Apple ecosystem. Apple backs up all of these messages.

Should I have SMS turned on on my iPhone?

Most iPhone users will want to use iMessages, so long as they have a good plan that can handle the data usage. The only reason to use SMS instead of iMessage is if you’re chatting with people who don’t have Apple devices, or if you don’t have any data on your phone.

Should SMS and MMS be turned on my iPhone?

MMS – multimedia messaging service – allows you to send pictures and other media via text, as well as send longer texts. If you have a limited data plan or poor internet connection, and iMessage isn’t working on your iPhone, you should turn off iMessage and use MMS instead.