Is TempData a key-value pair?

TempData is a dictionary object derived from TempDataDictionary, which can contain key-value pairs, useful for transferring data from controller to view in ASP.NET MVC Application, TempData stays for a subsequent HTTP Request as opposed to other options ( ViewBag and Viewdata ) those stay only for current request.

How do you persist TempData?

But you can persist data in TempData by calling Keep() method….void Keep(string key)

  1. Items in TempData will only tagged for deletion after they have read.
  2. Items in TempData can be untagged by calling TempData. Keep(key).
  3. RedirectResult and RedirectToRouteResult always calls TempData. Keep() to retain items in TempData.

How do I access TempData?

The above TempData can be accessed in the controller, as shown below. Although, TempData removes a key-value once accessed, you can still keep it for the subsequent request by calling TempData. Keep() method. The following example shows how to retain TempData value for the subsequent requests even after accessing it.

How do I pass TempData value from view to controller?

You should set the TempData value beforehand, in the controller that renders your view….2 Answers

  1. Use an HTML with input fields that will send the data to the server.
  2. Use an anchor and pass data as query string parameters to the controller.
  3. Use javascript and send an AJAX request or a redirect to the server.

What is the life of TempData?

The lifespan of TempData is rather unusual: It lives for one request only. In order to achieve this it maintains two HashSets to manage keys as well as the data dictionary: private Dictionary _data; private HashSet _initialKeys = new HashSet(StringComparer.

What is special about TempData?

TempData is used to transfer data from the view to the controller, the controller to the view, or from an action method to another action method of the same or a different controller. TempData temporarily saves data and deletes it automatically after a value is recovered.

How long does TempData last in MVC? MVC will automatically expire the value of tempdata once consecutive request returned the result (it means, it alive only till the target view is fully loaded).

What does TempData keep do?

TempData Keep function The Keep function is used to preserve the data of TempData object even after the value is read. After the value is read, the Keep function is called which will preserve the value in TempData object. The value is available in the TempData object even after the value is read.

Is TempData private to a user?

Yes, Tempdata is private to a user.

How do I store values in TempData in view?

If you read TempData in the first request and want to keep the value for the next request then use ‘Keep’ Method….For that declare one string variable and set the TempData Value in it by writing the following code:

  1. @{
  2. string msg = TempData. Peek(“TempModel”). ToString();
  3. }
  4. @msg.

Is TempData stored in session?

It is stored in session storage, but there is one crucial difference between TempData and Session : TempData is available only for a user’s session, so it persists only till we have read it and gets cleared at the end of an HTTP Request.

What is difference between TempData and ViewData?

ViewData being a dictionary object is accessible using strings as keys and also requires typecasting for complex types. On the other hand, ViewBag doesn’t have typecasting and null checks. TempData is also a dictionary object that stays for the time of an HTTP Request.