Is Styrofoam recyclable in Garden Grove CA?

Polystyrene foam plastic (such as foam packing peanuts and Styrofoam®) is not recyclable, so we are not able to accept it for recycling at this time. Before discarding foam packing peanuts, consider taking them to your local mail and packaging store for reuse, typically without charge.

How do I get a new trash bin in Anaheim?

Please contact Customer Service at 800-700-8610.

What is the bin color of recycle waste?

While there is no universal standard, the color blue is commonly used to indicate a bin is for recycling in public settings, however, the color green may also be used in some regions, on some bins.

What is recyclable in Orange County California?

Q: What can I put in my curbside recycling bin?

  • Plastic beverage containers.
  • Aluminum beverage containers.
  • Aluminum/tin cans (such as vegetable cans)
  • Empty aerosol cans.
  • Pie tins.
  • Empty egg cartons.
  • Printer and notebook paper.
  • Plastic milk and juice bottles/jugs.

Is Styrofoam recyclable in Orange County CA?

Foam Recycling Programs If you cannot place Styrofoam in the home recycle bin, look for a foam recycling center near you at or through A local option might also be Madison Resource Recovery Facility in Santa Ana (714) 664-0159, please call ahead to ensure this item is still accepted.

How do you request a new garbage can Honolulu?

Call 768-3200 or email [email protected].

How do I get an extra trash can in Indianapolis?

The trash cart is free, and it stays with your home when you move. Residents can request an additional trash cart for $65 by calling the Mayor’s Action Center at 317-327-4622. A DPW Solid Waste team member will be in contact within 48 hours to process payment.

What do different colour bins mean?

your blue bin is for recyclable waste. your brown bin is for garden waste and food waste. your green or grey bin is for non-recyclable waste.

What are the colors of the bins?

The colours used for the different types of recycling and waste bins can vary from business to business, however these are the colours commonly used:

  • BLUE: Paper and cardboard.
  • GREEN: Glass bottles and jars.
  • RED – Plastic bottles and packaging.
  • GREY or BLACK –Tins and cans.