Is stun gun legal in Malaysia?

Stun guns are actually illegal in Malaysia If you’re in any way familiar with the gun laws in Malaysia, you will know that we have pretty strict gun laws, where literally no one but the cops and military is allowed to carry a firearm unless they’re licensed.

Is self-defense tool legal in Malaysia?

The weapon you have is not illegal (a scheduled weapon). You have a lawful reason for having it around. It’s not meant for harming others. You don’t hang around dodgy or crime-prone areas with your weapon.

Are mace sprays legal?

Mace and pepper spray are illegal for civilians to use. Government guidelines states the weapons that are unable to be brought in and used in the UK. The import of firearms into the UK is controlled and illegal imports will be seized by UKBA officers.

Is it legal to carry a pocketknife in Malaysia?

Carrying a knife is illegal in Malaysia. You will be arrested and charged under the Corrosive, Explosive and Dangerous Weapons Act 1958 which carries a jail term of up to two years and whipping, upon conviction.

Is airsoft gun legal in Malaysia?

An Airsoft gun is a recreational replica firearm that is illegal in Malaysia and as per any firearms, requires a permit and license.

Is crossbow illegal in Malaysia?

The law in Malaysia is kind of funny, there is no license required for crossbows as there is no department issuing the license, so anyone in Malaysia can buy one but can only use for target practice, using crossbow or archery for hunting is consider illegal in Malaysia, weired right?

What weapons are legal in Malaysia?

Despite being armed, police constables still carry the standard issue T-batons, pepper spray and Hiatts Speedcuffs as well as Walther P99 standard issue sidearm. The following standard firearms are commonly issued to Royal Malaysia Police officers.

Can you buy mace?

You can buy mace at sporting goods stores, in-person retailers or online retailers like The Home Security Superstore with some restrictions.

What knives are illegal in Malaysia?

Any knife-like instrument with three sharp edges and a sharp pointed tip, sometimes known as a “bearing-scraper” Any small axe normally used as a weapon and commonly known as kapak kecil. Any sword, kris, parang or other knives which bears any verse, word or character connected with or relating to any religion or …

Is airsoft gun illegal in Malaysia?

Is paintball legal in Malaysia?

Because according to Tunku Alizan, while you need a gun licence to own a particular firearm, you’d need a carry & use permit to use a firearm. So those who enter into paintball parks to play paintball, they technically need a carry and use permit to rent the markers from the park.