Is soy milk worth taking Isaac?

This item is about as bad as chocolate milk is good. It reduces whatever your current damage is regardless of how strong your tears are to about . 2 normal tear strength, and LOCKS it there for the rest of the game regardless of how many damage ups you pick up.

Does soy milk increase DPS Isaac?

At base damage, Soy Milk is a very small DPS up. With a tear delay of 8 or lower, Soy Milk becomes a DPS down. The more tears per second before obtaining Soy Milk, the greater the decrease in DPS. Soy Milk’s damage down stat also significantly decreases tear size.

Does soy milk and almond milk stack Isaac?

Soy Milk – Isaac’s damage multiplier and fire rate will only be affected by Soy Milk, but the randomized tears from Almond Milk will persist, effectively decreasing Soy Milk’s damage output by lowering accuracy with no benefit.

What does almond milk do in the binding of Isaac?

Quadruples fire rate. x0. 3 damage multiplier. -0.16 tear size.

What does breakfast do in binding of Isaac?

This item, along with the other food items (Rotten Meat, Dinner, Dessert, Lunch), is probably a reference to Mom’s abuse of Isaac, which includes giving him rotten food. If the player has somehow obtained all items of any item pool in a run, Breakfast will replace the items from that pool onwards.

How do you unlock Dr fetus Isaac?


  1. The Dr. Fetus and. Epic Fetus items are based on Dr.
  2. This item is used in Demo Man (challenge #9).
  3. In the original The Binding of Isaac, Dr. Fetus was unlocked by beating. Mom’s Heart five times instead of nine.

Does Mr Mega affect Dr Fetus?

“Bobby-Bomb/Bomber Boy/Mr. Mega/Scatter Bombs/Sticky Bombs: Epic Fetus’ explosions are not affected.” So no, Mr. Mega does not affect Epic Fetus.

Does Dr fetus damage Isaac?

Dr. Fetus bombs deal half a heart of damage to Isaac. Other explosion damage is not affected.

Does eraser work on dark Esau?

Although difficult to accomplish, successfully dealing the final blow to Dark Esau with the Eraser will remove him for the rest of the run. Tainted Jacob will not be turned into Lost mode. …