Is Silver Ponyfoot a perennial?
Is Silver Ponyfoot a perennial?
Benefit. Use Ornamental: It is a drought tolerant trailing perennial herb that forms low mats up to 30 inches across. Often treated like an annual.
What is Carolina Ponysfoot good for?
I was happy to learn that Carolina Ponysfoot is edible, if bitter, and surprised to find that it has medicinal properties. Among other things, it can lower blood pressure. As I ventured down this path of discovery, I learned that other common lawn weeds also have medicinal uses.
Is silver pony foot deer resistant?
There are three dichondras native to Texas: Dichondra argentea (silver ponysfoot), Dichondra carolinensis (Carolina ponysfoot) and Dichondra recurvata (oakwoods ponysfoot). None of them appear on our Deer Resistant Plants list, which probably means deer love them.
Does Silver Ponyfoot grow in shade?
Austin Native Landscaping: “Silver Ponyfoot is a wonderful ground cover for drought tolerant landscaping. This attractive Texas native plant is an evergreen, disease and pest resistant and will thrive in both full sun and part shade.
How do you grow silver pony feet?
Silver ponyfoot is a versatile plant, content in the ground or containers, so long as the drainage is good. Plants in containers and hot locations will need more water, but plants can take a range of sun exposures: full sun to part shade. Plants can get lanky if in too much shade.
Is Pony foot edible?
One site mentioned a Dichondra lawn, which may have been popular at one time because it was easy and inexpensive to maintain. I was happy to learn that Carolina Ponysfoot is edible, if bitter, and surprised to find that it has medicinal properties. Among other things, it can lower blood pressure.
Is Carolina ponyfoot poisonous?
Toxicity. Asian ponysfoot isn’t considered toxic if ingested by either humans or animals, but it can cause skin irritations if touched.
Will Dichondra grow in shade?
Dichondra grows best in full sun. In partial shade, the silver varieties tend to stay greener and have a looser habit. Green types tend to have a dense growth habit, so you generally won’t notice much of a difference in full or part sun. Both kinds need the soil to dry out between waterings so they don’t rot.
Is Silver Ponyfoot toxic?
Are Silver Falls perennial?
Evergreen and vigorous, Dichondra argentea ‘Silver Falls’ (Silver Nickel Vine) is a tender herbaceous perennial, usually grown as an annual, with masses of small, fan-shaped, shimmering silvery leaves, 1 in. across (2.5 cm). Inconspicuous tiny pale yellow-green or white flowers are produced in early summer.
How do you care for a Silver Falls plant?
Quick Tips
- They are Drought hardy, tolerating coastal, frost and dry conditions.
- They grow best in full sun. In partial shade, they tend to stay greener and have a looser habit.
- Allow the soil to dry between watering, this will prevent the roots from rotting, and your plants will love you for it!