Is Shortcut to Size a good program?

We rated Jim Stoppani’s Shortcut to Size Program 9.0 out of 10. That’s really good! It’s pretty clear that Shortcut to Size can help you gain more muscle, but did you know there’s another valid program that we recommend to guys who want to build an aesthetic physique?

Is Jim Stoppani app worth it?

This app is great for workout plans. I have tried numerous plans and have felt all other were lacking. I had been using JYM supplements for years and then finally decided to try out the workout plans. Of all of the Jim Stoppani stuff, the only stuff i feel is not top tier quality are the diet plans.

What is rest pause?

by Sean Hyson, C.S.C.S. Rest-pause is an old-school bodybuilding technique of performing a set to failure, resting a few seconds, then squeezing out more reps. The idea is simply to get a little more work in even after the muscles have been exhausted.

Is Jim stoppani legitimate?

Jim Stoppani is a complete fraud. ANYONE who buys his stuff or follows his absurdly bad workouts needs their head examined. The man only exists to push his supplement line. If you follow his recommendations you will easily spend $200 a month on pills and powders.

Does shortcut to shred work?

In just 6 weeks running Shortcut to Shred, Ben lost 20 lbs and reduced his body fat percentage by 3.8%. They “highly recommend” Shortcut to Shred for people that are able to keep up with the demanding resistance and cardiovascular training.

Is Jim stoppani trustworthy?

Is shortcut to shred worth it?

What is giant set?

Giant sets are a high-intensity workout technique in which you perform four or more exercises for one muscle group consecutively. These sets are different from orthodox training and there is no formal rest time included in giant set workouts.

Who owns JYM?

Mike McErlane – President/ Co-Owner – JYM SUPPLEMENT SCIENCE | LinkedIn.