Is SGLI and VGLI the same?

While SGLI is a group life insurance program covering active servicemembers, VGLI is a group life insurance program for military veterans, with premiums that are based on the veteran’s age. The other notable distinction is cost. SGLI is a low-cost group life insurance policy.

Can I have both SGLI and VGLI?

g. Individuals who separate from active duty, re-enlist, and effect other changes in their duty status, will become eligible for both SGLI and VGLI coverage and in some cases will become insured under both programs.

Is VGLI term life or whole life?

VGLI also offers only term life insurance. This means the policy has a death benefit but does not build any cash value as an investment. VGLI isn’t always on offer. You’ll have one year and 120 days to apply for VGLI once you leave the military, but the window closes after that.

What type of life insurance is VGLI?

What Is Veterans’ Group Life Insurance? Veterans Group Life Insurance (VGLI) allows you to convert your Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) coverage to renewable group life insurance when you leave the service. VGLI provides coverage as long as you pay the premiums.

Do I lose my SGLI when I retire?

SGLI coverage ends when you retire, but you have one year and 120 days to enroll in the VGLI program (Veterans’ Group Life Insurance), the VA life insurance program that lets you continue the same level of coverage.

What is better than VGLI?

HOWEVER, if you can medically qualify, there is a better alternative than VGLI — AAFMAA. An AAFMA Level Term II policy can save you thousands of dollars in premiums over the life of the policy.

At what age does VGLI expire?

With VGLI, however, Veterans can keep their coverage as long as they think they need life insurance, regardless of their age. These three benefits are critically important to Veterans who might not get insurance elsewhere because of their service-connected conditions.

Does VGLI go up as you get older?

Technically VGLI is a form of “annual renewable term” insurance. This means the premium amount goes up as you age. VGLI premiums increase every five years (see table below for current rates).

How many years do you pay VGLI?

five years
Veterans’ Group Life Insurance is an “annual renewable term” policy. That means you’re buying a life insurance policy one year at a time, and rates can increase when you renew the policy each year. If you continue to pay your premiums, renewal is automatic; however, VGLI rates increase every five years.

Can I cash out my VGLI policy?

You can apply for the cash value by submitting: A completed VA Form 29-1546, “Application for Cash Surrender Value or Policy Loan,” OR. A written request stating your wish to surrender the policy for the cash value.

How much is VGLI per month?

Age 29 and below

Coverage amount (in U.S. $) Monthly premium rate (in U.S. $)
Coverage amount (in U.S. $) 50,000 3.50
Coverage amount (in U.S. $) 40,000 2.80
Coverage amount (in U.S. $) 30,000 2.10
Coverage amount (in U.S. $) 20,000 1.40