Is ScalpMED a legitimate product?

At the end of the day, we do not recommend ScalpMED products. While some of the ingredients are FDA-approved, none of the products sold by this hair regrowth company are approved by the FDA, and ScalpMED’s marketing claims are sensationalized. ScalpMED products may work for some customers.

Is ScalpMED a hoax?

Short answer: Definitely not. Even though it’s not a scam – I couldn’t possibly recommend it: Only works on the outside (topical product). Doesn’t treat the actual cause of hair loss.

Does ScalpMED regrow hair?

Like other topical treatments, ScalpMED will not revive dead hair follicles. If your hair is thinning, but your hair follicles are still alive, it can help you regrow and thicken hair.

Is ScalpMED FDA approved?

ScalpMed is a set of FDA approved hair loss product manufactured by Modern Health Labs. It is sold as a kit that consists of sulfate-free shampoo, a cortex enlarging spray, and a follicle detoxifier.

What is the difference between ScalpMed and Rogaine?

ScalpMed products require you to mix the contents of the bottles together, while Rogaine offers ready-to-use products. Read the application instructions. While both ScalpMed and Rogaine require you to apply the product twice a day, the way in which you apply each product can be slightly different.

Is there really a hair growth product that works?

Minoxidil is available as Rogaine or Theroxidil, or in generic form. It’s sold as a liquid or foam and in two strengths: 2% and 5%. Effectiveness: Minoxidil works for about 2 out of 3 men. It’s most effective if you’re under age 40 and have only recently started to lose your hair.

How do you use scalp medicine?


  1. Apply one mL with dropper 2 times a day directly onto the scalp in the hair loss area.
  2. Using more or more ofthen will not improve results.
  3. Continued use is necessary to increase and keep your hair regrowth, or hair loss will begin again.

Is scalp Med a scam?

Scalp Med also sells regular products (not included in these systems). But they don’t have as many benefits as the system. Best Actual Price: Around $90 per system (with auto-shipping). For one time purchase – each costs around $112. Designed For: Regrowing hair – it claims to: My Rating: 5 out of 10 – It’s not a scam, but it’s not worth it either.

Does scalpmed have any side effects?

One of the most attractive things about ScalpMED’s system is that it relies on ingredients with minimal side effects. And where adverse reactions occur, most are mild. Some discomfort on the scalp is not uncommon when using minoxidil, and similar discomfort may occur on sensitive scalps with the detoxifier, which contains alcohol.

What is scalpmed?

ScalpMED is a company that claims to help reverse hair loss or thinning hair. This website sells treatments that claim to regrow or thicken the hair, including shampoo, scalp detox spray, and supplements. ScalpMED products are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Is scalpmed safe to use with other hair products?

While it’s safe to use ScalpMED with other hair care products, such as your usual shampoo, you will need to wait at least 4 hours after applying ScalpMED before washing your hair. ScalpMED users need to use the product continuously for 12 months before reducing use to once daily.