Is Saleae software free?

The software is available free of charge, and can be installed on as many machines as you like. The latest release of the Logic 2 software can be downloaded here!

How do you use Saleae?

To power on your Saleae, simply connect it to your computer via the included USB cable, to get started with it, you’ll need to download the Logic software which is available on the Saleae website. Once installed, the software will automatically recognise your Saleae model and open into the capture screen.

How do I use Saleae logic Analyser?

How to Use a Logic Analyzer

  1. Connect probes to the system under test.
  2. Set your sampling mode.
  3. Configure the trigger conditions.
  4. Acquire signal data.
  5. Display and analyze waveforms.

Which protocols are understood by the Saleae logic Analyser?

Protocols – Saleae Support. The Logic 2 software has the ability to decode a variety of protocols, including SPI, I2C, serial, 1-Wire, CAN, I2S/PCM, and many more! To create your own protocol analyzer, refer to our Protocol Analyzer SDK. Click the Analyzers panel button and then the + button to add a protocol analyzer.

How do you pronounce Saleae?

Saleae is pronounced say-lee-a, with the emphasis (stress) on the first syllable, as in SAY-lee-a.

How do you pronounce Salease?

How Do You Pronounce Saleae? Saleae is pronounced say-lee-a, with the emphasis (stress) on the first syllable, as in SAY-lee-a.

Can I use logic analyzer as oscilloscope?

Trigger Select: Some logic analyzers will allow you to select between triggering from the captured channels or a separate “trigger” input. This specialized input can be used for synchronizing to other test equipment, such as an oscilloscope.

Can oscilloscope be used as logic analyzer?

An oscilloscope allows you to view analog voltages and how they change over time. Oscilloscopes are best used for evaluating signal integrity and measuring analog circuit performance. On the other hand, Logic analyzers represent signals in their digital form: a logic 0 or logic 1.