Is retribution a synonym or antonym?

In this page you can discover 34 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for retribution, like: retaliation, reward, revenge, recompense, reprisal, nemesis, requital, vengeance, punishment, compensation and justice.

What is the synonym of the word retribution?

recoupment, redress, remuneration, reparation(s), restitution.

What is the antonym of redress?

What is the opposite of redress?

damage destruction
hindrance hurt
injury penalty
sympathy worsening
harm aggravation

What is the true meaning of retribution?

retribution. / (ˌrɛtrɪˈbjuːʃən) / noun. the act of punishing or taking vengeance for wrongdoing, sin, or injury. punishment or vengeance.

What’s the difference between revenge and retribution?

There is an important distinction between the two: revenge is a privately-administered system of punishment, whereas retribution involves a state-administered public system. This distinction is important, though it implies the essential continuity of the two practices, rather than their difference.

What is the closest antonym for the word grievance?

antonyms for grievance

  • delight.
  • happiness.
  • joy.
  • advantage.
  • aid.
  • assistance.
  • benefit.
  • blessing.

What is the antonym of grievance?

Opposite of a complaint or expression of grievance. exultation. rejoicing. joy. happiness.

Why is retribution wrong?

Under retribution, it is improper to allow guilty individuals to go unpunished. Because punishment must be deserved and follow culpable actions, it is inappropriate to deny individuals the consequences of their actions.

Does retribution mean revenge?

retribution Add to list Share. Retribution is the act of taking revenge. If you pull a prank on someone, expect retribution. Retribution comes from the Latin for giving back what’s due, either reward or punishment.