Is responde a word?

To give as a reply; answer.

What does RSVP stand for pronunciation?

/ˌɑr ɛs vi ˈpi/ (written on invitations) please reply (from French’répondez s’il vous plaît’)

Is response feminine in French?

Etymology. From the feminine of répons, or from Old French response, from respons (also the past participle of respondre), a semi-learned word from Latin respōnsum. Cf. the verb répondre.

What is the plural of respond?

respond (plural responds)

Which is correct response or respond?

The basic difference, and the most important, is that “respond” is a verb while “response” is a noun. Try your hand at the sentence below to see if you can understand the nuances: When you responded to the response left on the voicemail, it was a response delivered in a way you’ll never respond again.

Why do we use RSVP in English?

Meaning of RSVP in English abbreviation for “répondez s’il vous plaît”, French for “please reply”; used at the end of a written invitation to mean that you should let the people who invited you know whether or not you are coming: RSVP by 9 October.

What is the full form of WBCF?


Acronym Definition
WBCF With Best Compliments From
WBCF Wayne Brown Correctional Facility (Nevada)
WBCF Web-Based Claim Filing (unemployment insurance; California)
WBCF Wythe-Bland Community Foundation (Wytheville, VA)

Why does S il vous plait mean please?

S’il vous plaît is used to address someone formally (being polite or speaking with elders), using vous, or to address more than one person; when using the phrase informally (with friends and family), one would use tu, hence s’il te plaît.

Is image masculine or feminine in French?

French Nouns Ending in Age Tend to be Masculine A common French masculine ending is “age”, for example le village (village) ,le garage (garage), le fromage (cheese)….. But there are also many exceptions: une image (a picture), la plage (the beach), la nage (swimming), la cage (cage), la rage (rage)…

Is Tableau masculine or feminine in French?

The word tableau in French is a masculine noun.