Is RBI Assistant mains tough?

The RBI Assistant Mains 2020 exam was conducted in a single shift on November 22, 2020….RBI Assistant Mains Exam Analysis 2020: November 22, 2020.

Subject Difficulty Level Good Attempt
Computer Knowledge Moderate 28-32
General Awareness Difficult 20-25
Numerical Ability Difficult 13-17
Total Moderate-Difficult 99-121

Is RBI Assistant exam easy to crack?

RBI Assistant Exam is a very lucrative opportunity for students wishing to enter the banking sector. Therefore, thousands of students take this exam every year making it very difficult and competitive. Thus in order to crack it, efficient preparation is required according to the RBI Assistant exam pattern.

Is RBI Assistant prelims easy?

The overall difficulty level of the exam was moderate and an attempt between 112-125 is considered as good. The overall difficulty level of RBI Assistant mains exam was moderate. The English Language section was easy to moderate. The Quantitative Aptitude section was moderate.

How many questions are asked in RBI Assistant?

RBI Assistant Mains Exam Pattern There are 200 questions to be answered in a total of 135 minutes. This exam has a sectional timing and the candidates have to finish one section before moving on to the next. The questions will be objective in nature.

Do RBI assistants get home posting?

For Assistant post there is no transfer. For officer first posting will be out of home state and then transfer after every 5 years. After 3 years, there is usually an in-service (departmental) exam held for Assistant managers.

What is the cutoff of RBI Assistant?

Have a look at the below table of RBI Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2021-22 for all categories for all states as released by the Reserve Bank of India….RBI Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2021-22 (Statewise)

RBI Assistant Prelims Cut Off 2021-22 RBI Zone Name Bengaluru
ST 71
OBC 82.25
EWS 80
General 82.75

Can I clear RBI Assistant in first attempt?

If you can follow certain strategies with regularity and strong will, then you can surely crack the RBI Assistant Exam in your first attempt. But for that, you have to have the right approach in following the complete syllabus of the exam and work hard and smart.

What is the lowest post in RBI?

RBI Assistant is the entry-level post. After the five years of service, selected candidates as assistants will be able to get promotions as given below: Scale 1 – Officer/Assistant Manager, Grade -A. Scale 2 – Manager, Grade- B.

Do RBI assistants get pensions?

No, the employee who got selected after 2012 for the post of Assistant in Reserve Bank of India will not get the pension as these employees are governed by New Pension Scheme (NPS). However, they will have to give a contribution from their salary to receive a pension.

Is RBI Assistant State wise?

RBI Assistant Cut Off 2022 Out: RBI has released both state-wise and category-wise RBI Assistant Prelims Cut Off marks on 23rd May 2022 along with the mark sheet & scorecard. Cut off is the minimum mark that a candidate needs to secure to qualify in RBI Assistant Exam.

Is RBI assistant a respectable job?

RBI Assistant is undoubtedly one of the most respectable and the best job for the aspirants of the banking sector. One gets to learn a lot in the organization and simultaneously gets paid quite decently along with other perks and allowances.

Can an average student crack RBI assistant?

There is no such thing as an average student. If you were an average student in school or college that’s because you were not sincere enough to study hard but that in no way limit your potential and your capability of sitting in a national level exam and cracking it.