Is PubChem credible?
Is PubChem credible?
PubChem is an open chemistry database at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). “Open” means that you can put your scientific data in PubChem and that others may use it. Since the launch in 2004, PubChem has become a key chemical information resource for scientists, students, and the general public.
How do I find PubChem?
Go to the PubChem homepage ( and select the “Compound” tab above the search box. Perform three searches using the queries listed on the table below, and record the number of returned compounds and the CIDs of hits.
How many compounds are there in PubChem?
PubChem Target View page. PubChem contains 237 million bioactivities for three million compounds, determined in over 1.2 million biological assay experiments.
What is PubChem?
PubChem ( is a public repository for information on chemical substances and their biological activities, launched in 2004 as a component of the Molecular Libraries Roadmap Initiatives of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH).
How do you use PubChem?
- Open the PubChem Sketcher. On the NCBI home page, choose PubChem Compound from the Database menu, and click Go.
- Draw a model of a compound using the Sketcher.
- Draw the three rings.
- Add substituents.
- Add hydrogens and clean up.
- Search the PubChem Compound database with your drawn structure.
What type of database is PubChem?
PubChem is an open chemistry database managed by the National Institutes of Health (NHI). It contains mostly small molecules, but also larger molecules such as lipids, carbohydrates, nucleotides, peptides and other chemically modified macromolecules.
Who owns PubChem?
PubChem (Kim, 2016; Kim et al., 2016a; Wang et al., 2017) is a public chemical information resource, developed and maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National Library of Medicine (NLM), an institute within the U.S. National institutes of Health (NIH).
What is Sid in PubChem?
SID, CID and AID are the identifiers for the Substance, Compound and BioAssay databases, respectively. Source publication. PubChem Substance and Compound databases. Article. Full-text available.
Why is PubChem good?
PubChem is the largest open-source chemistry database and hence is an important database when it comes in terms of drug discovery since it contains active chemical substances from a variety of sources which increases the probability of successful lead identification.
How do you cite PubChem compound?
To cite an original source of PubChem data use one of the following:
- Refer to attribution on the PubChem record.
- Cite publication linked to record, if present.
- Navigate to the source using our PubChem Data Sources page.
Is PubChem a data base?
PubChem is a database of chemical molecules and their activities against biological assays. The system is maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), a component of the National Library of Medicine, which is part of the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH).
What are the PubChem substance and compound databases?
In the present paper, we described the PubChem Substance and Compound databases. The Substance database contains information submitted by individual data contributors.
What data does PubChem contain?
PubChem contains a large amount of bioactivity data, primarily from high-throughput screening experiments. It should be noted that data exchange and integration between PubChem and other databases are very common.
What is PubChem doing now?
PubChem is committed to continue serving as a key chemical information resource not only to the biomedical research community but also to the scientific community as a whole. PubChem continues to adapt, developing new tools and services to exploit ever-advancing technologies.
What is the maximum number of chemical structure query results?
By default, the maximum number of results returned by the chemical structure query is currently limited to two million. One may modify this limit by clicking the following the Option on a submission page. For example, these are what the Time Limit and Result Limit option interface looks like for an Identity search.