Is Procedia computer science a good journal?
Is Procedia computer science a good journal?
Yes it is a journal. Procedia Computer Science is an electronic product focusing entirely on publishing high quality conference proceedings. The journal is indexed in Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature.
Is Procedia computer science Scopus index?
Procedia Computer Science is indexed in Scopus, the Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index, INSPEC, and Engineering Village.
Is Procedia technology a journal?
Procedia is an open access journal series published by Elsevier. The purpose of Procedia is to publish, for a fee, “proposed conference proceedings” in a “dedicated online issue”.
Is Procedia engineering a journal?
Procedia Engineering is a conference and proceedings covering the technologies/fields/categories related to Engineering (miscellaneous). It is published by Elsevier BV. The overall rank of Procedia Engineering is 13777. According to SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), this conference and proceedings is ranked 0.334.
What is Elsevier Science?
Elsevier helps researchers and healthcare professionals advance science and improve health outcomes for the benefit of society. We do this by facilitating insights and critical decision-making for customers across the global research and health ecosystems. Learn more.
What is Elsevier SSRN series?
SSRN provides the online database of early scholarly research – a permanent and searchable online library – always available, worldwide. We make it simple for authors to post their working papers and abstracts. Academics and researchers can browse the SSRN data library and upload their own papers free of charge.
Is Elsevier a top journal?
Elsevier is one of the most popular publishers in the world. Also, known as Reed Elsevier, its products include the Lancet and the Cell. It has a repository of more than 2700+ journals and publishes close to half a million articles annually.
Are all IEEE Xplore Scopus indexed?
If it is IEEE, usually the papers will appear in IEEE Xplore (which is Scopus-indexed). Similarly for ACM proceedings, ACM Digital Library. Elsevier publishes under the name of Procedia Technology or Procedia Engineering and few more. These are indexed in Scopus.