Is phyllodes tumor benign or malignant?

Most phyllodes tumors are benign. They may look very much like common benign breast tumors called fibroadenomas.

Do phyllodes tumors metastasize?

[5]. Approximately 85–90% of phyllodes tumors are benign and 10–15% are malignant [6] with metastasis in 10–26% cases of malignant phyllodes [7,8].

What percentage of phyllodes tumors are malignant?

Reports have suggested, however, that about 85-90% of phyllodes tumors are benign and that approximately 10-15% are malignant. Although benign phyllodes tumors do not metastasize, they have a tendency to grow aggressively and can recur locally. Like other sarcomas, malignant phyllodes tumors metastasize hematogenously.

What causes malignant phyllodes tumor?

Experts don’t know what causes phyllodes tumors. Women who have a rare genetic disease called Li-Fraumeni syndrome are more likely to have them. They rarely affect men. Women of any age can get phyllodes tumors, but they’re most common in your 40s.

What makes Phyllode tumors malignant?

Like fibroadenomas, phyllodes tumors are composed of epithelial elements and a connectivetissue stroma, but phyllodes tumors have higher stromal cellularity [5]. In a study performed by Liberman et al., tumors 3 cm or greater in diameter at mammography were statistically more likely to be malignant.

What causes benign phyllodes tumor?

How fast do phyllodes tumors grow?

Phyllodes tumors can grow to 3 centimeters wide — a little more than an inch — in just a few weeks or months. They often grow quickly, even if they’re benign. You may notice them bulging through your skin.

Is malignant phyllodes tumor curable?

Outlook for Phyllodes Tumors Your outlook is excellent if you had a benign tumor removed with surgery. Treatment often cures malignant phyllodes tumors, but they’re more likely to grow back. They can spread beyond your breast to your lungs. Women with malignant phyllodes tumors still have a high survival rate.

What makes phyllodes malignant?