Is Philadelphia SPCA a no-kill shelter?

The Pennsylvania SPCA offers an owner surrender program for pets that meet certain criteria as space in our shelter becomes available. The PSPCA is Philadelphia’s largest no-kill shelter, with a save rate of 97%. We will never euthanize an animal for space or time.

Does Pennsylvania have no kill shelters?


Is ACCT Philly a no-kill shelter?

(Philadelphia, PA) January 10, 2018 – In a united effort to make Philadelphia the state’s first no-kill city, and following in the footsteps of major metropolitan cities like Austin and Jacksonville, the Animal Care and Control Team of Philadelphia (ACCT Philly), The Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) and The …

Is Philly PAWS no-kill?

PAWS is a limited-admission, no-kill shelter. We rescue dogs and cats primarily from Philadelphia’s animal control shelter based on available space in our facilities and foster homes, and on our ability to provide proper care for animals’ behavioral and medical needs.

How do I surrender my dog in PA?

Pet surrenders are by appointment only, and Humane Pennsylvania is unable to guarantee that it can accept your pet. You will be required to provide a photo ID, and you must agree to and sign Humane Pennsylvania’s Surrender Policy.

Is Pennsylvania a no-kill state?

According to Best Friends, there are more than 4,300 no-kill communities, as well as a 76.6% save-rate across the U.S. Currently, Pennsylvania has a 79% save-rate with 116 no-kill communities, while new Jersey has a 84% save-rate with 122 no-kill communities.

What does ACCT Philly stand for?

Animal Care & Control Team of Philadelphia
ACCT Philly | Animal Care & Control Team of Philadelphia.

How can I help a local animal shelter?

Ten ways to help animal shelters and rescues

  1. Adopt a pet. If you’ve been thinking that it’s time to add a pet to your family, consider adopting from a local shelter or rescue group.
  2. Donate.
  3. Volunteer.
  4. Say thanks.
  5. Become a fan.
  6. Get crafty.
  7. Make wishes come true.
  8. Become a foster.

How many pets can you have in Philadelphia?

Philadelphia City Council is likely to soon approve a measure that would clarify the city’s 12-pet limit ordinance. Under the current code, residents may possess no more than 12 cats or dogs and only two of which may be unspayed or unneutered. But the code stipulates a “dwelling unit,” not the whole property.

Does PAWZ donate?

How do they give back? Pawz donates 10% of its net profits to animal shelters across the U.S. What can you buy from Pawz? Lots and lots of tops – tank tops, long sleeve tops, outerwear and tee shirts for both men and women.

How do I surrender my cat in Harrisburg PA?

In the event that you have exhausted all possible options, contact HSHA at (717) 564-3320 to make a surrender appointment. Acceptance of surrendered animals is dependent on space and cannot be guaranteed. Additionally, a surrender fee is required to help defray the cost of caring for the animal.