Is pea straw good feed?

In terms of feeding, field pea straw quality appears to be better than cereal straw. “It can be significantly higher in protein, but high fibre levels limit digestibility and expected feed intake.

What’s the difference between straw and hay?

Hay is a crop that is grown and harvested as a feed crop for cattle, horses and other farm animals. Straw on the other hand is a byproduct of a grain crop; in our area it’s usually usually wheat straw that we see.

What can I grow in straw bales?

Here are the plants which grow best in a straw bale garden:

  1. Tomatoes. Tomatoes are cheap to grow but expensive to purchase from a store.
  2. Root Vegetables.
  3. Potatoes.
  4. Strawberries.
  5. Eggplant.
  6. Peppers.
  7. Lettuce.
  8. Spinach.

Does straw bale gardening work?

They Work: You can have huge success with growing vegetables in straw bales. Although you have to stay on top of watering, compared to other container gardens, the bales do retain water pretty well.

What is pea straw worth?

per large round bale, the value of that straw could easily range anywhere from $32- $40/bale delivered in the yard, but, of course, this is dependent on demand.”

Do cows like pea straw?

Pea straw is useful for beef cow rations where high-quality roughage is not as important as other classes of cattle. When fed with high-quality roughage, grain or a combination of both, pea straw can be a cost-effective ration.

Why do farmers leave hay bales in the field?

You might find hay bales left in a field simply because a farmer hasn’t had time to stop by and grab the bales yet. Most farmers work overtime during the summer to get the hay in the barn by the time the fields stop producing.

Which plants like straw?

Straw mulch at the base of tomato and pepper plants also prevents that transfer of soil-borne diseases such as early blight to plant leaves. No water splashes up from the soil to leaves, because the straw absorbs it. A thick straw mulch also fosters the growth of large pumpkins, winter squash and watermelons.

Does straw rot down?

Straw will decompose like any other organic material but they’ll decompose a lot slower. As straw rots, it releases nutrients, feeding the plants growing in it. Straw actually makes your garden better.

What is pea straw good for?

Pea straw mulch is ideal for roses, flowers, vegetable gardens, trees, shrubs and fruit trees. This type of mulch stimulates growth and insulates roots from weather extremes. It does break down quickly and will need to be topped up on a regular basis. It is high in nitrogen, so pea straw mulch is ideal for poor soils.