Is parking free on weekends in Lansing?

What are parking meter hours/days? Parking meter rates are enforced Monday through Friday, 8 am to 6 pm. On-street parking is free on the weekends.

Is parking free in downtown Lansing?

“Free Parking downtown offers a huge benefit for those looking to dine downtown or do some shopping at one of our great small retailers,” stated Cathleen Edgerly, Executive Director of Downtown Lansing, Inc. “This also allows more people to Lift Up our Local businesses every Friday through the Summer!

What time is parking free downtown Lansing?

Free parking is coming downtown this summer. Starting June 3, the city will offer two hours of free time on Fridays for on-street metered parking in downtown Lansing and in Old Town.

How much is a parking ticket in Lansing?

Fine Schedule

# Violation Description Fine When Transferred to the Court
1 Meter violation $25
3 No parking zone $35
5 Reserved area $35
6 Outside metered space $25

How much does it cost to park in downtown Lansing?

Downtown Lot Permits (Per Month) Lot 49: $65. Lot 49(a): $65. Lot 50: $36. Lot 52: $75.

How much does it cost to Park in downtown Lansing?

Where can you park overnight at Michigan State?

Residence hall visitors requiring overnight parking may use pay-by-plate parking sections designated within Lots 83, 89, 109 and 113. Payment must be made at a pay station or by using the MSU Spot On app available for iOS and Android or online at

Can I park overnight at MSU?

Parking is allowed overnight if time has been paid for. Lot 89: Designated pay-by-plate spaces (westernmost side of lot – access off Mt. Hope Road). Payment required 6am-6pm, Monday – Friday.

How much is a ticket for parking at a fire hydrant in Michigan?

Fine Schedule

# Parking Offense Fine
24 Within 15 feet of fire hydrant $55
25 Fire or Sanitary lane $55
26 Obstructing traffic $55
27 Double Parking $55