Is osteospermum an annual or perennial?
Is osteospermum an annual or perennial?
Considered a tender perennial, osteospermum will overwinter in very warm regions of the country. Treat it as an annual everywhere else. Osteospermum flowers close up at night so don’t worry if you see your plants folding their tents when the sun goes down.
Is osteospermum a hardy annual?
A member of the daisy family (Asteraceae), osteospermum is a half-hardy perennial or subshrub most commonly grown as an annual.
Does osteospermum flower all summer?
Osteospermum Care Must-Knows In many instances, the plants will take a break from blooming during the hot summer until cool nights resume in fall. Ideally, osteospermum prefers full sun; the more light you can give them, the better they will bloom. Osteospermum prefers evenly moist, well-drained soils.
How big does osteospermum get?
When growing osteospermum, you can expect them to start blooming about mid-summer. If you have grown them from seed yourself, they may not start blooming until late summer. You can expect them to grow to be 2-5 feet (0.5 to 1.5 m.) high.
How long do osteospermum plants last?
eight weeks
The plants will bloom for eight weeks or more if old flowers are removed.
What do you do with osteospermum in the winter?
Osteospermum. African daisies can be difficult to overwinter as plants if your soil is heavy. On light soils you can get them through the winter by covering with open-ended cloches. However, on heavy soil you’ll be better off overwintering rooted cuttings.
What do you do with Osteospermum in the winter?
How do you keep Osteospermum blooming?
All osteospermums need watering regularly – don’t allow them to dry out. Feed weekly through the growing season with a general plant food to encourage continuous flowering and dead head as flowers fade.
How long do Osteospermums last?
Notes. Osteospermum colours include pink, white, and shades of yellow. The plants will bloom for eight weeks or more if old flowers are removed.
How long do Osteospermum plants last?
How do you keep osteospermum blooming?
Does Osteospermum like sun or shade?
Osteospermum plants should be grown with plenty of shade and soil that is well-drained in the full sun. Osteospermum plants should be considered as annuals in the UK as they can be grown from seeds.