Is Norilsk still polluted?

In volcanoes, however, emissions die down during times of dormancy, while at Norilsk Nickel, the pollution has been steady or rising for nearly 80 years. For the last 16 years, Norilsk emissions have averaged 1.9 million tons of sulfur dioxide annually, according to the NASA monitoring project.

What are the impacts of pollution in Dzerzhinsk?

Concentrations of toxic phenol have led to elevated levels of diseases and cancers of the eyes, lungs and kidneys. A 2006 survey found that life expectancy in the city—which has a population of 245,000 people—was 47 for women and 42 for men.

Why is Norilsk a closed city?

Norilsk is one of the most remote towns on the planet, located deep in the northernmost parts of Siberia, within the Arctic Circle. Accessible only by air, there are no roads to connect it to wider Russia, making it highly closed-off from the outside world.

How polluted is Norilsk?

At 1.9 million tons of sulfur dioxide emissions annually, Norilsk produces as much sulfur pollution as the entire U.S. — all concentrated in a city the size of Eugene, Oregon.

Why is Norilsk so depressing?

People in Norilsk can suffer from “polar night syndrome,” experiencing anxiety, nervousness, drowsiness, and/or insomnia. Given the psychological discomfort and lack of environmental stimuli, it should come as no shock that Norilsk has many cases of depression.

Why is Norilsk Russia so polluted?

Its wastewater has turned glacial rivers red. Its smokestacks belch out the worst sulfur dioxide pollution in the world. And last year, a corroded tank burst and released 6.5 million gallons of diesel fuel into waters that flow to the Kara Sea. It was the largest oil spill in Arctic history.

Why is Kabwe Zambia so polluted?

Kabwe, Zambia, has a long history of lead and zinc mining, centered around the now-closed Broken Hill Mine. Due to the mine, the city is also one of the most polluted places on Earth; even though the mine has closed, artisanal/small-scale mining continues, leading to the expansion of the polluted area.

Is Norilsk a good place to live?

Today, Norilsk is the second-worst city on the planet, environmentally speaking. Because of the high concentration of copper and other elements in the atmosphere, its 200,000 inhabitants have dark, toxic clouds constantly dumped on them.

What happened to Norilsk?

Following public pressure, media attention, evidence from Greenpeace Russia — and finally a court battle with the government — the influential company responsible, Norilsk Nickel, has been ordered to pay full compensation for damage caused to the vulnerable Arctic ecosystem.

How Norilsk in the Russian Arctic became one of the most polluted places on Earth?