Is Namboodri a Brahmin?

The Nambudiri (Malayalam pronunciation: ​[n̪ɐmbuːd̪iɾi]), also transliterated as Nampoothiri, Nambūdiri, Namboodiri, Nampoothiri, and Nampūtiri, are a Malayali Brahmin caste, native to what is now the state of Kerala, India, where they constituted part of the traditional feudal elite, owning a large portion of the land …

Where did Kerala Brahmins come from?

According to the legendary Keralolpatty (a traditional account of Kerala history, set down in writing in the eighteenth century), Brahmans were brought to the southwest coast of India by the sage-warrior Parasurama, and they settled in thirty-two grammam (from Sanskrit grama, “Community”) in the South Kanara District …

What is the meaning of Namboodiri woman?

Namboodiri women are called, ‘Antharjanam’, which literally means, ‘People who live inside’. After the age of 6 or 7, Namboodiri women are confined indoors, and not seen even by their own fathers or brothers. Those days, it was common for only the oldest son in a family to marry within their caste.

How many namboothiri are there in Kerala?

Today Raman Namboodiri’s family lives in a tiny house without basic amenities. Parvati’s story is typical of the entire 12,000-strong Namboodiri community of Kerala that has witnessed a pathetic decline.

Are Nairs Kshatriyas?

Though Nairs in Kerala are typically associated and described as the ‘warriors’ of yore, alias the king’s henchmen, they were never considered as Kshatriyas.

Are Nairs Brahmins?

The Nambudiri Brahmins were at the top of the ritual caste hierarchy and in that system outranked even the kings. They regarded all Nairs as Shudra. Below the Nambudiris came the Tamil Brahmins and other later immigrants of the Brahmin varna. Beyond this, the precise ranking is subject to some difference in opinion.

Are Pillai kshatriya?

Pillai, meaning Prince, is a title of nobility which can either refer to a ruling chief, members of the nobility, or junior princes of the royal family historically ranked immediately below the king. The oldest lineages of Pillais include not only Kshatriyas but also brahmins who took up the sword.

Are Thiyyas Kshatriyas?

Thiyyars and Ezhavas are different communities, Ezhava is an umbrella caste for more than 56 dalit srilankan tamil refugees of kerala. The thiyyars are a warrior group similar to kshatriya, they are not sudras.

Which type of Brahmin is superior?

Brahman, also spelled Brahmin, Sanskrit Brāhmaṇa (“Possessor of Brahma”), highest ranking of the four varnas, or social classes, in Hindu India.

Is Menon a kshatriya?

Menon is an honorific hereditary title that was used as an affix to the name of some members belonging to Kiryathi and Akattu Charna classes. It is considered to be a Kshatriya subdivision of the Nair caste that originated from the south Indian state of Kerala.