Is mulloway a good eating fish?
Is mulloway a good eating fish?
Mulloway are well regarded as a good eating fish with firm white flesh and few bones. The fish may be cooked whole or as cutlets or fillets, with the fillets holding together well when raw and cooked. It is suitable for a large variety of recipes.
What is the best bait for mulloway?
fresh mullet
Live baits are the best for catching mulloway, otherwise fresh mullet, tailor or yellowtail will work well, and even mulies will do the trick. Mulloway are often difficult to catch because they can run a long way before swallowing the bait, which makes it difficult to set the hook.
What time of year is best for mulloway?
Mulloway are another fish that always seem to grow in numbers once spring hits. In fact, I would rate September right up there with the best month of the year to target mulloway in the estuary. The bridges at Karuah are always worth a shot, as well as both the rock walls.
What is another name for mulloway fish?
It is known as Japanese meagre (FAO), mulloway or jewfish on the east coast of Australia, butterfish in South Australia, kingfish or river kingfish in Western Australia, and dusky/squaretail kob, dusky salmon, salmon or kabeljou in South Africa, Ô-nibe (大鮸, オオニベ) in Japan.
What is the difference between mulloway and jewfish?
Although these species may look similar, the tail is the key to identification. The rear edge of a mulloway tail is straight while the black jewfish tail flares out at the centre, giving the tail a diamond shape.
Is mulloway a jewfish?
JEWFISH, also known as mulloway, have become such a sought-after and targeted species on the east coast of Australia. Their diverse availability from the brackish headwaters of estuaries to the more saline mouths and bays, rocks and beaches to offshore reefs only adds to the increasing popularity.
Do mulloway eat prawns?
Mulloway are predators and occasional scavengers, feeding primarily on smaller fish, squid, octopus, prawns, marine worms and crabs. They do a great deal of their hunting under cover of darkness, but will also feed during daylight hours, especially in dirty or aerated water and under low light conditions.
Is mulloway a butterfish?
Their main source of income, the Mulloway, or as they are called in South Australia “butterfish”. Mulloway travel between the ocean and fresh water as part of their lifecycle. They adults spawn in the marine waters then the juvenile mulloway grow up in the estuarine waters for about 3-4 years.
Do mulloway have sharp teeth?
While mulloway have strong jaws and sharp, conical teeth for grasping and holding their prey, their capture does not normally demand the use of thick, hard-wearing leaders or traces. Typically, a monofilament leader about twice the strength of the main line will do the job.
How old is a 70cm mulloway?
In NSw, size at 50% maturity for males was estimated at 51 cm (2+ years of age) and for females at 68 cm (3+ years of age). Mulloway are known to spawn in summer in Australian waters. In NSw, significant catches of mulloway are taken by the Estuary General, ocean Hauling and ocean Trap and line fisheries.
Is mulloway a demersal fish?
At the bioregion and smaller scale management area level, catch rates in the key fisheries that land Mulloway (the West Coast Demersal Scalefish (Interim) Managed Fishery and Gascoyne Demersal Scalefish Managed Fishery) are highly variable, reflecting the low level of targeting of this species.