Is Monocle magazine any good?

One can definitely say that you can not compare Monocle to anything else we have seen before. While they take a classic approach in terms of design, the concept is very innovative and refreshing. The magazine is split into several section: Affairs, Business, Culture, Design, Edits.

Who owns Monocle magazine?

Tyler Brûlé
Monocle is a global affairs and lifestyle magazine, 24-hour radio station, website, retailer and media brand, produced by Winkontent Ltd….Monocle (brand)

Cover of the first issue of Monocle magazine (March 2007)
Editor in Chief & Chairman Tyler Brûlé
Company Winkontent Ltd
Country International

Does Monocle have an app?

Is there an app for the Digital subscription? No. However, our digital content will be available on

Is Monocle mens magazine?

The result was Monocle, “a magazine briefing on global affairs, business, culture, design and much more.” From GQ it has borrowed and refined the aesthetic of domesticated masculinity; from the Economist a sense of utter certainty about world affairs.

How does monocle make money?

Where does the income come from now for Monocle? “The vast majority is still money on paper, it is print advertising. Digital has grown with the 24-hour radio station. “We closed last year up 8 per cent primarily driven by print and the current bumper issue was 28 per cent up on advertising from last year.

Who reads monocle?

Brûlé said it was hard to pigeonhole a typical Monocle reader, but the “hard data says core readers are 70% male, with the vast majority working in finance or running their own business”. The average age is 39, but he has got emails from readers as young as 19.

How often is monocle published?

10 times a year
Monocle is published 10 times a year and sold in more than 80 countries. We also produce seasonal and event-focused newspapers as well as annual specials such as business title The Entrepreneurs and our global lookahead, The Forecast.

How often is Monocle published?

Does Monocle have Instagram?

Monocle does have an Instagram account with 16,400 followers but it has yet to upload a post.

Does monocle magazine still exist?

Issue 154 ∙ June 2022 Monocle’s June issue will get you where you need to go. Our mobility special delivers reports on electric planes, dinky buses and the new Motor City. And once you’ve arrived at your destination, our art survey shows you the top talents to seek out around the world.

How do monocles stay on?

The Orbicularis Oculi is a strong muscle that covers the circumference of the outer orbit and provides the monocle with a nice relaxed tension to hold it comfortably and reasonably firmly in place. There is no need to over contract or squint the eyelids together for the monocle to stay in place.

How hard is it to wear a monocle?

Expect it to feel a little odd when you first start wearing a monocle but persevere and in just a few short days we are confident it will become second nature in use and will feel comfortable and natural. Once in regular use, you will wonder how you ever managed without it.