Is Misterm a word?

Verb. To call by a wrong name; to miscall.

Is Inwit a word?

noun obsolete Inward sense; mind; understanding; conscience.

What does Tinary mean?

adjective. 1. made up of three parts; ternary. 2. going in threes.

What does Scamty mean?

: limited or less than sufficient in degree, quantity, or extent.

What midterm means?

the middle of an academic term
Definition of midterm 1a : the middle of an academic term. b : an examination at midterm. 2 : the approximate middle of a term of office.

What is a Shaunty?

shan·​ty | \ ˈshan-tē \ plural shanties. Definition of shanty (Entry 2 of 2) : a small crudely built dwelling or shelter usually of wood.

What is an offensive smell?

Definitions of foul-smelling. adjective. offensively malodorous. synonyms: fetid, foetid, foul, funky, ill-scented, noisome, smelly, stinking ill-smelling, malodorous, malodourous, stinky, unpleasant-smelling. having an unpleasant smell.

How do you use scanty in a sentence?

Scanty sentence example

  1. Rain in the lower zone is scanty , and from May to January does not occur.
  2. The flora of Nevada, although scanty , varies greatly according to its location.
  3. The ruins are scanty , but the east window is preserved, and the present church incorporates remains of the ancient resthouse for pilgrims.

Why is it called midterms?

There are three classes of United States Senators; each election replaces one class, hence a “midterm election” appears as one third through the term of one class and two thirds through the other, while still midway the term of a president.

What are midterms in school?

A mid-term is a test that a student takes halfway through a school term. By taking a mid-term, students have a better idea of whether they’re advancing in a class or whether they need to make changes to their study habits.

What crudely means?

in a way that lacks care, finish, polish, or completion:That’s pretty crudely done, but will serve our purposes. The figurine is made from stone, crudely shaped, and with a great gaping mouth. in a way that lacks subtlety, culture, refinement, or tact:The major antagonist is a crudely drawn, over-the-top caricature.