Is MIST a govt university?

MIST is run by the Bangladesh Armed Forces, and is affiliated with Bangladesh University of Professionals….Military Institute of Science and Technology.

মিলিটারি ইনস্টিটিউট অব সায়েন্স অ্যান্ড টেকনোলজি (এমআইএসটি)
Insignia of MIST
Type Fully autonomous public institute
Established 1998
Affiliation Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)

How many subjects are there in MIST?

Check Before You Apply. MIST offers courses across a diverse range of engineering fields and architecture with a total of 570 seats (subject to change each year).

What are the subjects in MIST?

Qualifications For MIST Admission point 17 in four subjects (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry & English) can apply.

What is the full from of MIST?

Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST)

What is the ranking of MIST in Bangladesh?

Military Institute of Science & Technology Rankings AD Scientific Index 2022

Ranking According to # in 15665 universities in World # in 168 universities in Bangladesh
Total i10 index 5833 35
Last 5 years i10 index 5772 41
Citiations 6960 46
Last 5 years Citiations 5940 38

How much does MIST cost?

One who is interested to study a four (04) years B.Sc Engineering course in MIST, has to pay about: US$ 10,752 for Bachelor student (US$ 18,352 for student accompanying with family) on gratis basis. US$ 11,593 for Bachelor student (US$ 31,193 for student accompanying with family) for on payment basis.

Is calculator allowed in MIST?

Room wise Seat Plan for MIST Admission Test 2018 Instructions to Examinees Individual Admit card, calculator & writing materials are only allowed inside the examination centers.

Is BUET public or private?

Public technological
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

Logo of BUET
Other name BUET
Type Public technological university