Is methi and fenugreek the same thing?

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum, native to Southern Europe and Asia), is an annual herb with white flowers and hard, yellowish-brown and angular seeds. Commonly known as methi in Hindi and vendhayam in Tamil, it is a popular ingredient in many North and South Indian dishes and home remedies.

Is methi a coriander?

When it comes to spices, there are three spices that are loaded with healing and health-benefiting properties – coriander (dhaniya), cumin (jeera) and fenugreek (methi dana). Coriander seeds are quite versatile and can be used in chutneys, soups, stews, marinades and even curries.

What is leafy methi called in English?

Fenugreek (methi in English name) based dishes Fenugreek not only increase flavor in dishes.

What is pudInA called in English?

mint uncountable noun. Mint is a fresh-tasting herb. /pudina, pudInA, pudeenaa, pudīnā/

What is methi seeds in English?

Methi (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a plant known for its seeds, fresh leaves, and dried leaves. It is called fenugreek in English.

What is the Indian name for fenugreek?

Fenugreek’s botanical name is Trigonella foenum-graecum in the subfamily of Papilioacae of the family of Leguminosae (bean family, Fabaceae) In India, it is known as methi in Hindi, Oriya, Bengali, Punjabi and Urdu languages, as methya in Marathi, menthya in Kannada, vendayam or Venthayam in Tamil, menthulu in Telugu …

Is fenugreek same as cumin?

While fenugreek seed is an antacid that improves bowel movements, cumin secretes enzymes, which helps to break down sugars, fats, and carbohydrates in the body and keep the gut healthy.

What is Kasuri methi called in English?

Dried fenugreek leaves
‘Methi’ is the Indian name for Fenugreek and ‘Kasuri Methi’ in English translates to ‘Dried fenugreek leaves’.

Is fenugreek the same as fennel?

Fenugreek and fennel are different in appearance and taste. The fenugreek seed is a legume, while fennel seeds come from the fennel plant.