Is Meowstic good in competitive?

Meowstic-F is meant to switch into Defog users in order to activate its main niche over other Psychic-types, Competitive. Otherwise, its goal is to set up Calm Mind in an attempt to sweep….Competitive Sweeper.

Type Bug
Category Special
Power 75 BP
Accuracy 100%

Is Meowstic good for PVP?

The best moves for Meowstic are Confusion and Psychic when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles.

What is the best nature for Meowstic?

Timid nature
EVs and Nature: Calm Mind is recommended so Meowstic isn’t dead weight if there isn’t a Defog thrown at it. A Timid nature is preferred to take full advantage of Meowstic’s great Speed, while maximum investment in Special Attack and Speed is straightforward.

Is Meowstic good sword and shield?

Meowstic has its purpose, but there are some Pokemon who can do its job much better in Sword and Shield. It can know the Ability Prankster, which allows it to use Status attacks first. It can also setup well with Fake Out.

Is Meowstic rare?

You can find and catch Meowstic in Route 5 with a 20% chance to encounter during All Weather weather when walking through tall grass. The Max IV Stats of Meowstic are 74 HP, 48 Attack, 83 SP Attack, 76 Defense, 81 SP Defense, and 104 Speed.

How strong is Espurr?

Espurr is a Psychic-type Pokemon with a max CP of 1424, an attack of 120, defence of 114 and 158 stamina in Pokemon Go. The first time it was introduced was in the Kalos region of Generation 6. It is weak against Bug, Dark and Ghost-type moves and gets boosted by Windy weather.

What is Meowstic hidden ability?

Revealing the eyelike patterns on the insides of its ears will unleash its psychic powers. It normally keeps the patterns hidden, however.

Is Meowstic good Reddit?

Meowstic performed better than expected in its role. While it is going to struggle against some meta monsters (i.e. the steels), it has great situational play as a cover to fighters and poisons. Here is Meowstic in action if you’d like to see it for yourself!

How much is a Stage 1 Meowstic worth?

Meowstic #61 Pokemon Battle Styles

Sale Date Title ▲ ▼ Price
2022-01-07 Pokemon TCG Stage 1 MEOWSTIC 61/163 Sword & Shield Battle Styles Holo Rare – NM 61/163 $1.18
2022-01-06 Meowstic 61/163 Holo Rare Pokemon Card Battle Styles NM/M Pack Fresh. 061/163 $1.20
2022-01-05 Pokemon – Meowstic – 061/163 – Holo Rare- Battle Styles $1.50

How much is a Meowstic 60 147 worth?

Meowstic #60 Pokemon Burning Shadows

Sale Date Title ▲ ▼ Price
2022-05-03 Pokemon Burning Shadows Meowstic 60/147 Rare – Near Mint $0.99
2022-05-01 Meowstic Burning Shadows 60/147 2017 Rare Pokemon Card TCG CCG $0.99
2022-02-23 2017 Pokemon TCG Burning Shadows Meowstic 60/147 Non-Holo Rare Near Mint $0.99